Chapter one: Death of a Queen.

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    Death. Life itself is a mystery but death?. It is even more of a mystery than anything else. It was a cold winter's night. Snow was falling outside, the trees and the grasses were covered. As far the eyes could see, it saw nothing but white wonderland. There was something eerily beautiful about night. It is quite,  silent and secretive. She hold us in her arms and tells us tales of the dark. A darkness that  holds horror and beauty as the same time.

   I was standing in front of the fire place. The fire burnt. It's crackling noise and the howling of the wind are only thing I could hear. The wind was blowing, I was shivering but my arms did not move. My feet was ice cold against the marble floor. But, my eyes were stuck in one place. I looked at the woman on the floor. She was so beautiful, even in such lifeless state. Her hair was messy and her white nightgown was covered in rich red blood. I wanted to scream but nothing came out of my throat. Why was that? I didn't even realize when other walked in. 

Nanny Ariel: Oh my goodness, You shouldn't see your highness.

  She grabbed my arm and covered my eyes. But, I could hear the footsteps of the guards as they yelled and ran in and out of the room. I could hear them yell " The Queen is dead". " Inform the King". " Make sure the princess is alright". " Who did this". " How did this happen". This was all some kind of bad, horrific dream. I wanted to wake up. I removed the hands that covered my eyes. I looked at her again. This time she was on the bed. Guards were making sure if she had a pulse or not. She was pale. As pale the white snow outside. I wanted to touch her face. It's not real. It can't be. 

Nanny Ariel: Oh do not look my child! 

Luna: I want to! 

  I screamed and ran to her bed. At that moment my tears were struggling to fall. I touched her face lightly. She was cold as Ice. Lifeless. Dead. And, then my tears couldn't hold themselves anymore. I wailed and tried to shake her. But, the guards held me back. One of them was dragging me back to my chambers. I struggled but I had no strength. And, this night will be the most horrible night of my life. 

Nanny Ariel: My child, you must contain yourself. She would not have wanted see you like this. You must be strong, you are the future Queen.

     I sat in my bed. I didn't know what needs to be done or what will happen. I was awoken by a sudden noise. I wanted to see where the noise came from, as I walked towards mother's chamber I saw the door open. And, as I walked in I was welcomed by the dreadful sight. My mother on the floor, blood has gushed out of he mouth. She seemed like she was dead for a while. Maybe she had been dead for hours. On the stone cold floor. 

   Next, morning Nanny Ariel came to wake me up. But, I was awake. I sat on the same spot in my bed for god knows how many hours. She looked at with sad eyes. She held her hands, she wanted me to get up and get ready to say goodbye to my mother. I was like a doll. I stood there as she dressed me after bath. I was dressed in most funerary fashion possible. I looked myself in the mirror. I looked like the queen of the dead. The dress matched my long, black hair. But, eye were unknown even to me. They were bloodshot. How hours die I cry?. 

    I walked towards the Great Hall. Hundreds of people were both inside and outside the castle. They all came to say goodbye to their beloved queen. I walked towards my father. He was stand in front of mother's coffin. Right next to him was General Kahl  and an unknown woman I did not know. I looked at my father. But, instead of grief, I saw emptiness in his face. My father was always and expressive person just like my mother was. But, today his expression seemed vacant. I looked at my mother's coffin. Black wood, and the white roses on top it. They were her favorite. After, we were all settled my father walked to the crowd. 

King Herald: Today is the day this kingdom will mourn the death of its most beloved citizen. She was the white rose. She was the strength. She was my wife. And, she will always be remembered as such. But, these are grave times. Our enemies are lurking and waiting for us to be weak. But, we are not weak, we are stronger than ever. That is why we need a Queen who will lead us bravely. And, that is why I am announcing my betrothal  to the Lady Arabella.

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