Chapter Nine: Welcome to the King's court.

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      We were riding for about two days. We camped at night in the forest. If this was Allerick it was a perfect Neshian thing to do for him. He knew it was too cold, without food and a horse I will not be able to run far. I have not seen a single village or town. I knew Nesh was surrounded by the forest, but I never thought it would be this difficult to find a way in or out of it. Leucos has the sea. But, Nesh had the trees. According to Meira, we were almost at the capital city of Eirlys. Capital of Nesh. Where the king resided. 

       After hours of riding, just before sundown we came across a huge bridge with towers and a heavy metal gate at the fort. I looked up at the Purple and gold flags with the lion in the middle. Allerick was rode at the front of the entourage, he looked every bit regal. His dark stallion was just one more addition to it. The gates opened and we started to move.

      I was at awe. Inside I looked at the city. Hundreds of people were trying to get a glimpse of us. From shopkeepers to the tenants at the stone buildings. The whole city seemed to have lit up like the galaxy itself. We finally came in front of the palace. I had tall and huge white marble stairs. One of the guards helped me get off my horse. I was too busy looking at the magnificent palace in front of me. It's towers as far as one's eye could see. Purple curtains hung from its huge entrance. Guards bowed at Allerick. I was walking behind him with Meira. 

      Once we were inside, the servants hurried to get our things inside. I looked at the ceiling the golden design on sparkled. Allerick looked at me.

Allerick : We need to see my father as soon you are ready.

Luna: Sure.

    Meira took me upstairs, to a room at the far end corner of the tower. As soon I opened the door, I knew it was too much of a good treatment for a hostage. Was I a hostage or a negotiator?. At this time I did not knew. Meria prepared the water for my bath. 

    Afterwards, I was dressed in a cream velvet gown with a golden belt. Somehow, ther Neshian's treated me as who I was. A princess. But, then there were still a chance this was all to gain my trust and use it against me. One can never be too careful with their greatest enemies. If my  father was responsible for the death of our citizens, king Orion was too. Not matter how much he regretted it.

     I walked into the throne room. This was first time I saw King Orion in person. Not from a portrait. But in person. Allerick definitely looked like his father. They had the same sharp jaw, and dark eyes. Only difference was the king had hair as white as the snow, where Allerick's were as dark as the night. I saw some of his guards standing by his throne. He looked at me as I curtsied.

King Orion: Welcome princess. I hope you will forgive us from bringing you here like this.

Luna: Your Highness. I will determined the feeling behind this meeting after you tell me the reason.

King Orion: I am sure, my son has told you something.

Luna: He has. But, he is not the king, you are.

    The old king smiled at me. His smile wasn't threatening, neither did it hold any mockery like his son's.

King Orion: I know King Herald. But, you are definitely your Queen Lucille's daughter.

Luna: You knew my the Queen?.

King Orion: I am afraid I did. I met her a long time ago. During her wedding to your father. After, the war I have had the pleasure of seeing her. My deepest condolences.

Luna: She never mentioned anything about you.

King Orion: I could only imagine why. You father and his new queen hold a great deal of lust for this war. As long as it continues, he will be seen as a great king and she will have the chance of getting what she wants. Your kingdom and the end of your father's line.

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