Chapter twenty: Path of Thorns.

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   All morning I was trying to understand the meaning of all this. It was not unusual that this had happened. I knew Arabella was not a fool. She knew what was necessary for survival. Allerick and I were in the carriage headed back to Helliovanna. Allerick sat across from me and stared out the window. It was misty outside but there was no snow. I peeked through the window near my window. With all the mist, there was only so far I could see. Uncertain. Just like everything else.

As soon as we arrived at the castle. I got out as soon as possible, and called the council. Allerick, Kahl and Ferial joined me in the war room. They all stood in a line, waiting for me to stop pacing and talk.

Luna: She is with a child!.

Kahl and Ferial shared a perplexing look. And, their eyes widened.

Ferial: This is fantastic!.

Kahl: Are you sure?. For all we know she is a liar.

Allerick: We called in a healer. She did not tell anyone. Until Queen Luna came to visit her.

Ferial: Is the duke an imbecile?!. She was in this dungeon. How did he not know?.

Luna: He hates her as much as the former duke.

Allerick: Even the servants are scared to go to her.

Kahl: Will you tell your father?.

Luna: And, tell him what?.

Ferial: The Witch has formed a very good plan.

Kahl: I doubt that, she was waiting to break the news to you. Waiting for the moment you will weave from your plan.

Luna: Tell the duke of Whistburg he is to make her stay more comfortable. No more sleeping on hay and eating like a rat.

Kahl: And, then what?. When your court hears of your unknown sibling, they may have to think again about their loyalty.

Luna: This throne is mine. I am older and therefore the heir. My right is always first!.

Kahl: Yes!. But, there are also people in the court who are loyal to your father. Only reason they are quiet is because the king was caught along with his queen. And, given their situation, their execution is an option for you. But, if it gets out, they might rise against you.

Ferial: Ya saying they might rise against the Queen, for an infant?.

Allerick: The child will be of royal birth. Child of the former king. Sibling of the current Queen. That child will be in the line for the throne. Unless.........

We looked at Allerick, who was looking out the window. His jaw clenched and looked at me.

Luna: Unless?.

Kahl: There is another heir.

Kahl nodded at me. And, at that moment I understood what he meant. I tried hard not to blush.

Luna: We are to be married soon.

Kahl:But, how soon?. It has to be done as quickly as possible. Leaving her no place to rise against you.

Allerick: When we marry, we become strong. Leucos and Nesh. Sharing its armies and resources. Also, we will also gain more support. No one will dare to be against us.

Kahl: And, a child will only make it stronger and permanent.

Luna: Hmm. Make the arrangements. Ferial, you are to send the invites. Go to the library and I will send someone to help with the list. The wedding will take place within two days.

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