Chapter eleven: Invitations of swords and wine.

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     After retuning to the palace I threw my arms around Kahl. I held him a little too  tight. But, no one could blame me. After , everything he was here. I declared to the king the wedding will happen after I take the throne from of my father. King Orion hesitated but he agreed, he knew he had no other choice. If he wanted peace he needed me. And, I will only marry Allerick after I stopped by father from going any further with this war. 

     That night Kahl and I were sitting in my chamber by the fire. It was like old times. Kahl somehow looked older than his age. He was only a year older than me but the war has changed his appearance as the events of the past few days.

General Kahl: This is what you want to do?.

Luna: There is no other way. Peace needs to be made. 

General Kahl: I know. But, in the expanse of your happiness. Luna you deserve to be loved by the man you will marry. But, I doubt this prince will do that.

Luna: We have already talked about this. If love can be found as easily  as my father has found it then I can find after my marriage with some one who is willing.

General Kahl: The king was always harsh with his soldiers but this is cruel.

Luna : I know. 

General Kahl: King Orion seems weak.

Luna: I have information from one of the servants he is dying. He wants his peace to be last act the great king of Nesh.

General Kahl : There is always a but.

Luna: He is desperate for peace. But, if his army as strong he claims why yield?.

General Kahl : True. Maybe there is more.

Luna: There is always more. I need your help finding it out. We will not be blindsided anymore.

   A light came from the door. As I said enter, it was Allerick  he looked at Kahl and me. His eyes wondered from him to me and how close we were sitting. Kahl stood and bowed to the prince and decided it was best if he left. Allerick was dressed in a heavy green tunic, it looked good on him, complimented his dark hair and his warm honey skin.

  Luna: How can I help you, your highness?.

Allerick: Father told me about your little change in the treaty.

Luna: Yes. We will marry once I take over the throne. Do not fret, I made sure it will be included to our agreement. You guards Lucien said it will  ready in the morning and we will look over it together.

Allerick : I heard about what your father did. So, now you believe me. I was not lying.

Luna: I know. He was always the monster that I failed to see.

Allerick: Sometimes the monsters like to disguise themselves so they can get inside our head princess. 

Luna: How do you know, your highness?.

   He looked at the fire. It reflected in his dark eyes. He looked like he was remembering the past.  Viorica did say he only knew duty. A duty which demanded blood and wars. He inherited his father's war. 

Luna: We have a chance to do make things right. 

Allerick : Why else do you think I was doing this?.

       Great. Just when you try to be nice. I gave him a look, he had no expression in his face. He seemed to be around same age me. But, somehow he trained to be a warrior, where my father made sure I knew I was a princess. Not a queen, but a little silly princess.

Luna: I have secured an ally. Apparently, queen Arabella has access to magic. 

Allerick : So I have heard.

     He was interested in what I was about to say. We both knew it was something both shocking and terrifying. 

Allerick: Just when he thought there was an easy way.

Luna: There was never an easy way. We just realized it late.

Allerick: Your friend is among one of those allies?. Are you sure you can trust him?.

Luna: Of course we can!.

Allerick: You said the same about your father too.

Luna: Is that how its going t be ?. You letting me know every single moment about my father's evil plans?.

Allerick : No. I do not want you be back inside his game. He used you as a pawn and he let you being used as one my his mistress. 

     Allerick seemed genuine. He was letting me know not to fall for my fathers lies. He was right. My father had no power over me. And, never will.

Allerick: Is your friend staying with you tonight?.

    I blushed, he thought Kahl and I were together. I mean Kahl was handsome young man. But, my feelings for him were always in complex. I loved him but is it the love that lovers shared?. Or just the love you have you find the person who is family in every sense, whether there was any blood connection or not?.

     Allerick stared at me, but I gave him no answer. I did not owed one to him.  He felt that too. 

Luna: You siblings are delightful.

Allerick: They are. Viorica and Gavrill are quite fond of you already. 

Luna: It was unintentional. 

Allerick : First my father and then my siblings. What is next, my kingdom?.

Luna: We will share it after the wedding so yes.

Allerick : I wonder how would be?.

Luna: Cannot be worse than what I have witnessed?.

Allerick: Let us hope. 

      With that he walked out of the room. I walked up to the desk and picked up the quilt. I needed to get word out to as many lords and ladies possible. People who were tired of my father and his mistress queen. I also wrote a letter to the lord chancellor of Cozen. Because, without the knowledge of Arabella's powers we would be walking into a trap.

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