Chapter five: Run my lady, run!

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     I was awaken a  loud noise. I jumped to my feet, maybe they found me. But, then I realized it was coming from the other room. Thud, thud, thud. I wish I knew what it was about, but something about it told me it was better if just left it alone. I grabbed my leather pouch form under my pillow. I started to get dressed as quickly as possible. Corset, dress, boots. I slowly opened my door. I was looking for if there was anyone outside. I ran downstairs. It was messy and the chairs and glass bottles everywhere. Some people were still asleep on the floor. I walked outside, the chilly air made me shiver. I tighten my cloak around me. People were opening the shops. Women were getting ready to sell flowers. Simon spotted me from afar and ran towards me.

Simon: Morning, miss. Do you want your horse back?.

Luna: Yes, please.

    He ran to the back and within few minutes he was walking back with Rose. She seemed good. I guess they did give her a good care. I touched her face.

Simon: Alright, there you are. You have a safe journey miss!

  He was gone. I need to go to the border. I took out the map out of my pocket. If I kept riding with making as less stops as possible it would be a weeks worth of travelling. I got on top of Rose. As I was about to leave, I saw the stranger from last night coming out of the lodge. Boy, he looked beat. It was easy to tell he had been drinking last night, maybe a little too much. He still had his hood up, but this time I could see his face a little. Sharp jaw, warm skin, the chilly air smokes was coming out of his mouth. I wanted to thank him for last night or maybe even give a piece of jewelry in exchange. Ladies never keep a debt. 

    But, then I saw two palace guards were standing, talking to a shop keeper before the lodge. I needed to get away. I slowly tugged on Rose's reins. And, she went off with a steady speed. Do not go too fast, I don't want them to get suspicious. I am a nobody. 

   Rose was running thought the forest. For the first time in my life, I felt in control. The cold air was blowing through my face and my hair. It was slowly going off form its bun. I let Rose run as she wanted. She was enjoying as much I was. 

   I stopped so Rose and I could rest for a bit. It was almost sundown. The nearest town was nor for another day. I started to gather woods to make a fire. Rose was munching on  the free grass that mother nature has provided. But, for me looks like there will no dinner for me tonight.  It was cold night, I was glad it was not windy. I was sitting near the fire leaning on Rose. The night creatures were making noises, letting us know we are not alone. I looked at the burning fire. The last time I looked at the fire, it was in her room. When she laid right next it. As beautiful fire was, it also held the power to reduce everything to ashes. 

  I took out the jade broach. It has the lion of Nesh engraved on it. It was the symbol of the king. If he did send someone to assassinate my mother, why not me too?. I was the heir. As long I lived our kingdom and our throne would have hope. Did they thought my mother's death would soften my father?. Well, too bad it did not. It only made him cruel and mad. He was sending me away, bringing a witch in the castle. I would die before I marry the Duke's son. If I learned one thing from my father was that make sure your mind so strong that even at the darkest times it surprises you with its strength.

    I did not realize when my eye closed. I was surprised by the cold sensation on my throat. I tried not to move too much. I could tell it was a blade. I looked up a hooded figure was holding a dagger to my throat. Maybe, the man in the lodge was right I was getting robbed with all that trinkets. 

Bandit: Give me what you have sweet pie!

Luna: I only have this ring.

   I pulled the ring out of my finger and held towards her. It was a good thing that after I started the fire I put the pouch in my corset. It was hard to see through the thick dress and the cloak.

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