Chapter six: Mead and Pies!

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  Luna: I am so full.

Ferial: Tell me about it.

   We were at a mead house, since my ring bought us more than just mead. Ferial, Kiri and me were full of pie. Kiri was dozing off. 

Ferial: He cannot handle his alcohol.

Luna: I can tell. May I ask you something?.

Ferial: Why did we robbed you and then we didn't?.

Luna: Yes. I mean I know, according to Kiri you two have never had much success.

Ferial: Kiri is too honest. We would just cut pockets. His job was to distract them.

Luna: Sounds fun.

Ferial: I know. I have a feeling, you are lying Ethel. 

Luna: Why would I do that?.

    Ferial was not stupid. She was a pick pocket for a reason, she had the eyes for the tiniest detail. She lifted her cup up to her lips and watched me. I mean, what if I told her who I was?. A princess, heir to the throne of Leucos. Maybe, she will not care. But, I knew I couldn't trust anyone.

Luna: My father remarried the day after my mother died.

Ferial: My goodness! What a pig! No offense.

Luna: None taken, I agree. The lady wants me out of my home, married to a man I have no interest in.

Ferial: So you ran away?.

Luna: I snuck out. I couldn't stay there. My mother's ghost, my father's new bride and the idea how he left me.

Ferial: Well this makes feel a little better about not having parents.

Luna: Hmmm. I need to see my father, make him see sense. His new wife wants more than what she have.

Ferial: When I was a young girl. One night, my parents told me to stand on the road and they will be back. Well, they never did. I haven't seen them since. I was sleeping on the side of the roads, begging for food. Then one day I met a boy who was like me. Sadly, for me he was  like a lost rabbit. 

Luna: I cannot imagine what would that be like. I mean, my mother never left me alone when I was a child. Now, that she is not here. I am lost.

Ferial: If you do not know how to live alone, you do not how to live at all. Being with your loved ones given you happiness, and them being not with gives you grief. But, I believe in making their absence as your strength. 

   Ferial had a look, I couldn't figure out what it was. But, it made sense. My mother gave me love when she was alone, now that she is not here. Her absence had given me the strength to leave the castle walls. We fell asleep on the table. I was awoken by the clanking of cups, I looked around Kiri was still asleep he looked like he was about to fall of his chair. Ferial on the other hand was no where to be seen. I stretched and shook Kiri. He groaned and was struggling to open his eyes. He finally sat up straight. Rubbing his eyes, he looked like a child who woke up on the wrong bed.

Luna: I do not know where Ferial is. Wait here, I'll go outside and look.

   He only nodded. I could tell his head was hurting. He laid on the table this time. I walked outside. It wasn't windy but it was cold. I put my hood up, I looked around. I walked up to a old woman with white hair and wrinkled face selling copper jewelry. She looked up at me and smiled. She held a necklace up to me. I was made with copped with a square copper locket with engravings on it. She pointed at the mirror, I held the necklace  but I did not had time for all this. I gave it back to the sweet old woman. I saw Ferial afar. I walked up to her.

Luna: Where have you been?.

Ferial: I have something for you. But, guess what I just found out?. There is lost princess. People at the goldsmith's shop was talking about it. 

Luna: Really?. Did they say who it was?. 

Ferial: No, maybe its just silly gossip. But, here.

   She held up a little pouch. I looked into it. Coins. I looked up to her. Ferial seemed proud of herself.

Luna: What's this?.

Ferial: I sold you ring, I hope you did not mind. Even if you do, it is too late. But, you do need money if you want to as far as you intend to do so.

Luna: No Ferial, I am so glad you did this. I mean I did had the chance to bring coins.

Ferial: Which is why you were so lucky the other night.

    I did not how to thank her. She made my journey a little easier. But, I felt horrible lying to her. She and Kiri has been nothing but kind. I wanted to tell her the truth but instead I hugged her. Ferial was stiff at first, but then she put her arms around me as well.

Luna: I have to leave, but if I ever see you both again. I promise I pay you back for you kindness.

Ferial: Now, do not go around and ruining my name.

Luna: I will not.

   I bid farewell to Ferial. I was on the road again with Rose. According, to the map there will be a market ahead. I need to be more careful, if there were rumors of a missing princess, it is only a matter of time before they will print my face and put it out everywhere. Queen Arabella was not stupid, she was probably trying to look for me without raising too much suspicions. But, I hope when my father finds out about this and the broach that could to mother's killer things would change. 

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