A Puppet Master Without Strings

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The walls burned. But in a cell made of brick from hell and surrounded by an outrageous amount of lava it's to be expected. And the puppetmaster knew no way out. For the first time in so many years the strings he pulled on were cut, tossed aside by a wanna hero and a coward.

He was angry. Furious even. But he wouldn't let it show. No if he did that then they would win... and he would lose.

And he never lost.

He still had one string left. One last creature he had an ounce of control over. And this last string was his ticket out of here.

There were sounds of pistons moving as a short wall rose from the ground, blocking the exit. It wasn't like he could do anything. Even if he got over the wall there would be nothing but a moat of flames in his path. So he waited.

Finally the lava drained around him as two people arrived on a moving bridge. The puppetmaster stood, his orange jumpsuit stained with dirt and grim from days of use, his hair, once short and bright blonde, was now long and matted and his mask, broken and hanging lopsided on his face. As he rose to meet his visitors he took them in. A man, if you could call him that, with a long pink braid that reached his lower back and a regal robe draped over his shoulders. A gold crown lay perched atop his head, the sign of a king of old while small tusks jutted out of the corner of his mouth. On his face lay a bone mask that jutted out

The other guest was just as interesting. A towering figure, even taller than the pig, with a split face. Half black like his brethren and half white for reasons the puppetmaster was yet to understand. The half enderman stared down at him, both green and red eye gazing with both worry and curiosity.

"Well if it isn't the great anarchist himself and his little monster. Come all this way to see little ol me?" The prisoner snickered.

"I'm not a-" Ranboo started but was cut off by Technoblade.

"I thought we might come say hello. See how the green man is holding up after being outcast and thrown away."

The puppetmaster was tempted to try to kill him now, but in his current state any such attempt would prove unfruitful.

I'll bide my time, wait till he doesn't suspect anything and finally prove that Technoblade can die. I will take away everything they care for until I finally take back control. And all I need to do is wait.

"You'd be surprised. If you stop caring nothing hurts." The prisoner glared intently at the blade," What is it you want Techno, here to rub in my failure... or are you here for something more perhaps?"

Techno smiled widely, showing various sharp teeth in a wicked grin.

"I hate being in debt. I thought I might come see if you finally wanted to cash in that favour... or would you rather rot away in your own vault... Dream."

The pigs eye's flared at the last word as Ranboo stood back nervously rubbing his arms. And then Dream smiled, really smiled, for the first time since he had been sent to this self-created hell.

"I thought you'd never ask." 

Dream SMP fanfic which is always cool. Will be on Ao3 soon and might do more chapters if this gets somewhere. 

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