Emerald Eyes Locked In My Mind

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Techno was writing. Ranboo had noticed he did that alot. He had spent almost 3 months living with the anarchist and had come to realise he wasn't actually a pure evil being with no remorse or heart. He wasn't bent on total destruction or the deaths of others. He was violent, sure, but he was obsessed with it. He only really killed when it was important for his cause.

His cause was anarchy but that wasn't just about the destruction of governments and rulers. It was about freedom of tyranny and the control of others.

Though Techno did hate governments.

But if you didn't get on his bad side you'd find he was actually a smart, quiet man who loved his dad. Not that other people realised it. Everyone else, other than his siblings that is, saw him as a monster. A being hellbent on taking out everything to do with safety, law and, of course, governments.

Ranboo knew better so when Techno asked him to help Dream escape, he had helped. He was hesitant at first but Techno was his friend and Dream was... Dream was something. He hadn't talked to the masked man since he'd broken him out but he knew that Dream was waiting. The voice in his head wasn't nothing. It wasn't his sanity slowly crumbling under the horror that this world threw on him day after day until he finally snapped.

Definitely not that.

No, the voice that filled his mind with false words and forgotten memories was something far more sinister than simply losing one's mind. Ranboo knew he would have to talk to Dream eventually but still... he hesitated. He didn't want to. He really didn't want to. Right now his thoughts were battling over need and want, Dreams voice chipping in occasionally to support the need side of things. Dream's side of things.

Ranboo's thoughts were interrupted by Technoblade stepping through the door of his home on the side of a mountain. He wasn't wearing the formal gear he often kept on, opting out the robe and crown for a plain white shirt and brown trousers.

"I'm taking our new friend to see Dream. I think you should come."

Ranboo hesitated, one side of his mind still thinking he could just dig a hole in the ground and let the chaos fly overhead. But the logical side of him knew it couldn't work like that. So instead of crawling away from the inpedening bedlam got up and walked with Techno to face it.

He found Niki waiting for them outside his house. She seemed somewhat surprised to see him with the anarchist but that shock quickly faded. He had been the one to destroy the community house after all. The three of them made their way around the mountain which Ranboo lived in and to a stone wall on the other side. Techno kicked aside a pile of snow to reveal a lever buried beneath the cold and, with a powerful pull that caused the sound of many gears to move, pulled it back.

Pistons groaned and pulled as the stone wall sunk into the ground. Inside was Techno's vault and one of the most horrific things Ranboo had seen.

The room was made of stone bricks, some cracked and covered with moss. Chests lined the base of the walls filled with who knows what and armor stands held glistening black armor. But what decorated the walls was what really made the room terrifying. Countless black skulls were nailed in near perfect symmetry covering almost every open space on the walls. The skulls had distorted and twisted features as if they'd been screaming when they died and their features hadn't changed since and sitting at the center of a room filled with forever-screaming, forgotten souls, slouched against a pile of soul sand, sat Dream.

Niki's eyes widened considerably. She looked around the room in a mix of awe and horror at the nightmare-inducing sight before her, her draw dropping. Then she turned to Dream. He smiled at her, once again dressed in a green hoodie, plain white, smiling mask and brown jeans.

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