Theseus Thought Got a Happy Ending

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Tommy was happy. Slightly traumatized buts thats expected from a 16 years old who was exiled by his best friend, manipulated by a sociopath, almost killed various times, had their home destroy by their brother, father and said sociopath and then taking down the sociopath to reclaim their prized possessions. 

Just typical teenager stuff. And now here he was, trying to fix his home with the help of Sam. Tommy was pacing outside the construction zone for The Big Innit Hotel, waiting for Sam to show up... and waiting... and waiting... and waiting... something wasn't right.

Tommy stopped pacing. Sam wasn't ever this late. So either he was breaking records or there was a problem. Tommy stuck out his hand and concentrated as the air shimmered in front of him before a trident formed from seemingly nothing.

It was pretty cool even if everyone could do it. Was he proud of it? Yes. Am I going to explain it to you? No.

He took a breath before taking a running leap off the bridge he was standing on. The very, very high bridge he was standing on. For the briefest moment he floated in the air, weightless despite everything, before gravity began to pull him back down towards a small pool of water below. With a splash, he fell into the pool as water submerged him, covering his head. For the smallest of moments he was taken back to all the times he had woken underwater on the verge of drowning while suffering through the exile Dream had forced on him... but he quickly shook away the memories and pulled his trident back. With a powerful trust he was back in the air, spinning with the trident clutched close to his chest. He landed in another pool of water and took off again, making his way to the only other place Sam could be.

Pandora's Vault.

He arrived at the entrance to find it... open? That didn't make sense. Sam took the utmost care with the prison and keeping Dream inside. But here the nether entrance was, unlocked. Summoning Nightmare, Tommy stepped into the portal. He reached the lobby to find the gate still unlocked. This wasn't right. Something was seriously wrong. Tommy kept making his way through the prison.

Why would Sam leave all the entrances unlocked?

Finally he reached the entrance just before the maximum security cell and saw two things that horrified him.

The first was Sam's body, lying on the floor with his neck twisted at a horrifying angle.

The second was the empty cell he could see over the lake of lava.

Dream was free.

Tommy rushed from the prison and pulled out his phone. He sent a message to everyone he knew. Everyone needed to know.

Sams dead. Dream got out. Everyone meet at the community house ASAP.

And then he was off. Hopping from pool to pool, trying to get to the community house as fast as he could, knowing that every second mattered now that the lands most notorious, power-hungry dictator was back.

Now that Dream was free. 

Hey everyone. This has gotten more attention then I thought it would so far so thanks heaps. My works are really unknown so its great to hear that people like this one. Follow the story and like cause there's more coming soon. 

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