A Captain's Story

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Puffy was getting herself ready to fight. After doing it so many times before it was mostly just muscle memory at this point. She looked over at Tommy, 16 and about to try to kill the most powerful warrior in the land. She wasn't sure if they stood even close to a chance.

Technoblade was a well known name. He was a figure of fear and violence. He was the anarchist. She'd crossed paths with him once before but back then she didn't know who he was.

Puffy walked down the dirt road, trees surrounding her. She'd spent half her life on the sea and now she thought she'd try to make it in the royal life. She knew of King Eret and she knew if she tried she could live the castle life.

Then she came to a crossroads and met a young man with pink hair hanging down his back in a platt.

"Where are you headed?" She called out to him, standing a few feet back weary of the sword at his hip.

He turned to her with a smile, showing the tusks that jutted from the corners of his mouth. "Not really headed anyway. Sorta just walking."

"You're a freelancer?" She said as she approached him.

"In a way. I just go where they tell me."

"They?" She stood next to the stranger.

"The voices"

He smiled again though this time it didn't seem so innocent.

"Uh huh. Cool. I'm headed to Lord Eret's castle."

"A monarch? Are you a fan of governments?"

She raised an eyebrow at the stranger who looked down at her. He was maybe a foot taller than her with a plain white shirt tucked into brown trousers and a longsword at his side and crossbow slung over his shoulder.

"I've been a pirate for half my life."

"Hmm." The stranger nodded and went back to looking at the cross road signs.

"Well, I'll be off then." She started to leave but hesitated. She turned back to the stranger. "Say, have you heard of a guy named Clay? He would be about your age maybe?"

The stranger's eyes hardened for a moment before returning to neutral.

"I'm afraid not."

"Ok. Well, goodbye. Maybe we'll meet again someday?"

The stranger smiled again. "Oh, I have a good feeling we will."

And off Puffy went. She became a knight for Eret and built a home in Snow Chester. And then she met Niki.

Puffy was visiting the new nation of L'manberg. Apparently it was shaping to really be something. As she approached the giant black brick walls she realised why. Arriving at the gate she saw two young boys, one with an apple on his head and a blind fold over his eyes and the other with a bow and quiver.

"And you're sure you can do this Tommy?" The apple boy asked, sounding worried.

"Honestly Tubbo, why can't you trust that I know what I'm doing? I've been practising with this thing for ages." Tommy replied as he drew back an arrow and aimed it at Tubbo. "Ok 3, 2... 1!"

As Tommy let the arrow fly Tubbo yelped and ducked. The apple began to fall only to be struck by the arrow right where Tubbo's head had been just before. Tubbo pulled off his blindfold.

"You would have hit me!" He yelled at Tommy.

"But I didn't."

"Only because I ducked!"

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