The Vaults Been Emptied

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She was watching them fight. They argued and bickered without making any ground. Tommy was taking charge, shoving down grief with work. Probably wasn't healthy but she couldn't care less. Tubbo on the other hand was in shock. While his best friend was screaming his lungs out about Dream, Tubbo sat in the corner of the rebuilt house and stared straight ahead into a wall that wasn't there.

"This is Dream we're talking about, if we don't send a butcher army after him immediately he'll get power again and if that happens everyone that helped put him away is as good as dead."

Tommy was yelling again.

"But how much power can Dream really get? He's stranded and alone. He'll have to start from scratch! What we need to do is rebuild after the destruction Dream caused first. We can't fight him if we're still recovering." Purpled yelled back.

Puffy chimed in, "Dream will cause just as much damage if we don't go after him now!"

The yelling started back up again, everyone drawing each other out, until Eret called out over the noise.

"Does anyone know how Dream got out in the first place?"

The noise died as the idiots thought over the question, no one piecing the clear answer together. Then Fundy spoke up.

"Isn't it obvious?", he spoke, disrupting the silence that had filled the community house," Dream finally checked in his favour. Techno broke him out."

At this shocking revelation the chatter started up again. She glanced over to Tommy. He was done. She knew. He was on the verge of snapping and letting all the grief he'd been trying to hold down erupt outwards and consume him.

She smiled.

"Well I'm going after Dream. I'll hunt him down and this time I'm killing him. You're either with me now or you're with me never. Come on Tubbo."

And with that statement he grabbed the goat boy by the hand and dragged him from the building. Puffy followed along with Punz and a few others. She stayed behind though. The rest of the Dream SMP members slowly trickled out of the building until the only two that remained were her and Fundy. Fundy looked up at her.

"This world is turning into a nightmare. Dream will take back power and when he does history will be rewritten."

And then he left, fox ears alert and sticking out from under his hat, hands in pockets and tail swaying behind him. Leaving her alone in the house. She sighed and pushed herself from the wall she'd been leaning on, leaving the community house in the direction of hell.

She stepped through the portal into the nether and started down the path. She remembered when the blazing heat and distorted skeletons bothered her. She had far bigger problems now.

It didn't take long for her to reach the exit portal. She stepped through and onto soft snow.

She trudged across the frozen landscape, bones turning from boiling to frozen in a matter of seconds, until she saw it.

A small house at the base of a mountain, smoke floating from a chimney and lights turning on as the sun set for the day. After a deep breath she walked to the door.

Niki stood at the entrance to the home of the most violent being in the country. A humble cottage in the middle of nowhere. It didn't really fit his title but then again she hadn't exactly been expecting an evil castle or something of the sort. The lights were on so she knew he was home. All she had to do now was knock.

She calmed her nerves and raised at fist to wood, letting the rough timber connect with her knuckles.

The grand pig himself opened the door. Technoblade looked down on Niki and took her in. Niki watched as his eyes searched for any weapons.

"Hello Niki."


Silence slid its way in between them. After a couple seconds Techno opened the door wider.

"Would you like to come inside?"

Niki nodded and stepped into his home. She looked around at the paintings, crafting stations and chests. It was small but homely in a way. She turned to see Techno gazing at her from a corner.

"Is there something I can help you with Niki?" He asked as his eyes seemed to see through her skin and into her bones, evaluating every outcome of the interaction.

"I came to warn you."

"Warn me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"They think you broke Dream out of prison and now they're coming from your neck. Tommy's organising a butcher army as we speak."

"Well this shouldn't be a problem. I've dealt with one murder squad before, this shouldn't be much harder."

Niki nodded and looked to the floor.

"But thank you Niki," He started, as Niki's gaze rose from the timber floor to meet Techno's, "It's a big help knowing their coming."

She nodded again, not sure what to say.

"Was there anything else?" Techno inquired, curiosity evident in his voice.

He thinks I'm here because of his offer. He's not wrong but...

"Did you help Dream escape Techno?"

Techno paused for a moment before replying.

"I don't like being in debt Niki. And I owed the man a favour."

"Thats fair I guess."

Silence came back. Techno looked down at Niki for a few more moments.

"Is that all or are you here for another reason?"

Niki nodded before taking in a breath and looking directly into Techno unnerving eyes.

"I came to take you up on that syndicate offer."

And that made Techno smile.

"If that's the case Niki then I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine. And what's your opinion on child murder."

"Is the child an annoying brat?"

"Exceedingly so."

Niki smiled, "Then down with Theseus I say."

Niki's joined the fray.  Hope you enjoy reading this. Longest chapter yet. Please leave a comment and give it a favourite if you enjoyed reading. More coming soon. 

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