Chapter 11

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Mira POV

I wake up to a unknown source of warmth around most my body. I try to move to see what it is, only to find I can't move. This is when I start to freak out, I look down while wriggling away to see two very big and muscular arms around my waist.


"Mornin' Mira" a low husky voice whispers in my ear.


"Yes Mira"

"L-Let me g-go, please"

"I can't do that Mira"

"Laxus, let me go" I say louder with more confidence.

"Fine, fine" His arms slowly retreat from around me and I get up and away from him as fast as possible. Once I'm away from him I stretch my tied body. A low growl comes from Laxus as I stretch. I stop and look down at him. His mouth slightly open showing his razor sharp teeth. I look up his face straight in to his yellow eyes.

Levy POV

I force my eyes open when I hear feet rustling around me. I grown and snuggle in to back into the cushion behind me... Only it wasn't a cushion.

"gehi, You right there Shrimp."

"Arrrrr!!!!" I yelled leaping off Gajeel. Gajeel got up after me.

"Lets go get some breakfast" Gajeel said pulling me with him to the bar. Both Gajeel and I got what we wanted and went back to our table. Thank fully he didn't make me sit on his lap again, but he did pull me really close. As we both sat there eating I surveyed the guild to check on the others. Natsu and Lucy eating breakfast like us. Mira was back behind the counter Laxus with her. Yukino at the counter with Kagura, Sting trying to discreetly move his bar stool closer to her, key word the TRYING. While Rogue had moved his bar stool closer and had a arm around Kagura's waist. And Romeo and Wendy still asleep in the corner. I looked back around the room, things looked off, not quite right. The dragon slayers looked different, Luxu's eyes even from far way I could see the yellow and when he smiled he showed his sharp pointed teeth. Something seemed to be pointing out of Natsu's hair, they seemed almost like... horns and the side off his face had his skin turning into scales (like when he goes dragon force, it still the colour of skin it just looks like scales). Sting had a... is that a... it is... Wow....Ok so Sting has a tail, that's slowly waging the closer he get to Yukino. Rogue seems to still look human though I think I see scales slowly forming all over his body. I looked closer at the sleeping Wendy and saw that her canines have grown and are over her lips as well as a small scaly tail out on the seat beside her. This means there on the third stage of mating season. They must have felt pain the day of the dragon festival, the next they were acting all goofy and happy around there mates, now there appearances are becoming more dragon like. The next stage in the last, I wonder how much longer this will go on?

I shook my head of these thoughts and stood up, Gajeel giggled and pulled me back down next to him, "Gajeel" I sighed "Let me up."

"Nope" he said popping the P. I felt myself being lifted up and the next thing I know I'm on his shoulders.

"So where to Shrimp"

"The guild library, I've ran out of books to read"

"Of course you have Shrimp" Gajeel laughs, practically skipping to the guild library's door. I sore Juvia out of the corner of my eye follow us. We entered the library and Gajeel put me down. I started to look along the shelves for a book I haven't read yet. I see a unfamiliar book on one of the top shelves, I stand on my tippy toes to try and reach it. I hear a low growl and look over to Gajeel and see his eyes flash to a bright grey as I look at him, I step back in surprise, I didn't notice his hands have changed in to claws, his skin has changed to iron and his eyes are a bright grey.

"Gihiihii" hi giggles. Stepping towards me as I step back, he stops when he sees I'm backed against the shelf, he looks into my eyes and I see pure sadness in his. "Don't you want me" he whispers, "Does mate reject me" A line from the Dragon book comes back to me. 'The dragon will lose its will to live if dragon mate dies or rejects them' I can't let Gajeel suffer, his already been though enough of that. I take slow steps towards him, then put my hand his arm. His head snaps up and he looks at me, I smile up at him and his face breaks into the biggest grin I've ever seen. He lifts me on to his shoulders and walks up the the shelf when the book I was trying to get was. "Now you can reach your book Shrimp" he giggles "I've made you big!" He announced proudly.

~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~

After our little library trip we went back to our table and I read unfortunately I was put back on his lap, while Gajeel hummed to himself happily. I sighed and started reading my book.

I finally looked up from my book that I just finished and looked outside to see the horizon changing colour. It must be afternoon I looked behind me to Gajeel only to find him asleep, I gently jumped off him and went towards the bathroom, I haven't had a shower sense yesterday because Gajeel has not let me out of his sight. I walk past Erza and tell her where I'm going so she doesn't freak out when she can't find me. I step in to the bathroom and immediately lock the door. I turn the water on warm and get in.

~~~~~~~~After Shower~~~~~~~

I turn off the water and step out of the shower to be greeted by what sounded like a rampaging dragon. I wasn't far off. I throw my clothes on and stabed out side.

"What's goi...."

"Levy run!" Juvia yells. Elfman, Juvia, Erza and Grey creat a barrier between Gajeel and I, as Cana and Gildarts run in to help them. But I can't move, I'm frozen in place as Gajeel pounced on top of Gray knocking him to the side. He then continues to run up to me knocking Elfman and Juvia to the side. He ran up to me looking me straight in to the eyes. For the fist time sense I met him I felt fear looking in to them... But they were not his eyes they were ..... dragon eyes.

Finally updated!! It should be getting better from here on out.

You people are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over 11k views!! I would never had dreamed of getting this many, but somehow I did. Thank you so much for reading this book, voting for this book and thank you for commenting on this book. It means so much to me, I love All the comments I get, and every reader is awesome! The fact that people are reading this and enjoying it means so much to me!!

I don't own Fairy Tail

~ Bee

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