Chapter 16

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Mira POV

"This isn't happening, this isn't happening, this isn't happening." I whisper over and over as Laxus runs through the woods, with me in his arms bridal style.

After what just happened I hoped everyone's ok. After Laxus lost it his went on a rampage and when fighting Gildarts a way would attack broke them out of there cage. The scariest thing being that he beat Gildarts, not him completely unconscious. The others like Erza, Gray and Elfman didn't last much longer.

"Let go of me you great brute, idiot, crazy dragon." I keep shouting insults at him while banging on his chest.

"That's not getting you anywhere now is it." I voice growls out above me. I look up in to his eyes and heat rises to my face and I look back down. "So why don't you stop it."

My voice dies down and my fists slowly stop. Why do I feel like this, like electricity is coursing through me every time he looks at me, speaks to me, anything I feel it. I won't it to stop but I also don't want it to. His walking slows to a stop and I poke my head up and look around. He put me down on my feet and circle around. I gasp escapes my mouth. We're up on the top of a beautiful mountain, the clear blue sky going on endlessly. "Where are we?" I ask looking at him, sparks fly down my spine and I nervously look back around, a small lake is situated a bit down the mountain and there is a thin forest. But the thing that catches my attention the most is the small cottage sitting proud on the very top of the mountain. "It's beautiful." I sigh.

I feel eyes on me, "Yeah it is."

I turn around to him and I was correct he was looking at me. "What?" I ask fidgeting under his intense stare. Slowly he walks forwards till our bodies connect. But I don't back away, I don't know why I know I should be backing away that I should feel scared. But right here right now I feel more comfortable than I ever have been. He moves his head toward mine and I feel myself doing the same. Our foreheads touch but it's not enough, we keep moving forwards, towards each other trying to close every gap possible. Our lips finally meet in a sweet kiss. We break apart and I finally don't question the sparks flying over me, they do me no harm. We both stand there barley moving apart from each other catching our breath.

He grabbed my hand and led me inside, "Sorry it's small." He says as I look around taking in my surroundings.

"It's perfect." I whisper wandering around kitchen to the bathroom then finally the bedroom.

He puts his arm around my waist and rests his head on my head. "So you like it."

I turn around and peck his lips, "I love it."

"Good," he growls out throwing me on to the king size bed.

Yukino POV

The light forced its way in to me. And suddenly all that mattered was Sting. He ran to me taking my hands. "I think it's time to go home." He said running out the guild with me trailing behind him, all the way back home. All the way to Sabortooth.

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