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Sorry this isn't a chapter.

So on to the big news... I've released the first 3 chapters on my new book Missing. Missing is a another Fairy Tail fanfiction. It mainly focuses on Levy, Lucy and Juvia.

Here's part of the first chapter

Levy POV   

My eyes snapped open and scanned the unfamiliar room, I

blink for a bit to get the sleep out of my eyes. Wait. What? Where am I? I

stretched my legs and arms out. My hand brushes up against an unknown object,

well what I thought was an object but then it groaned. Fully awake I sat up

looking to what had just make the noise. Only to see an unruly head of black

hair I would know anywhere, Gajeel. My eyes travelled down his hair and back to

stop short of his but thanks to the blanket, why does he not have a shirt on?

And why am I in his room. I sigh and stand up. Owwww why does it hurt, I sit

back own and rub my saw thigh to look down to see big ugly busies already

formed where it hurt, I also spot some on my hips. WAIT WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH NO. This cannot be happening. I must have had too much to drink last night,

he must have had to. I need to get out of here, NOW!! I throw the first thing I

see on, which happens to be his shirt that looks like a dress on me, pick up my

clothe or what was left of them at least, they are in tatters spread all around

the room. I slowly and quietly sneak out of his house and run, in the early

morning light back to my place as fast as humanly possible. I hop straight in

the shower to clear my head. What am I going to do? Well I'll figure that out

latter, I better get going to the guild.

Don't worry its PG it does not involve any thing graphic.

 So if your interested please check it out, personally I like it better than dragon season and that's why I haven't updated much I've been working on Missing. I would like the support. Thanks  :D

~ Bee

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