Chapter 12

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Gajeel POV

I blacked out… all I could think, all I could hear, all I could smell was her……. Levy McGardener. I wanted her, I needed her.

I felt something else slowly ease its way in to my mind. It hurt. I fall to the ground holding my head, growling to the ground beneath me and hear footsteps coming my way. It stopped and my eyes flew open, but I had no control of what was happening. My eyes looked around searching for someone. Levy, Levy where is she. I turned around trying to see her just now noticing the group that has formed around me.

“Gajeel are you all right?” Juvia steps closer to me and hold her hands out in a calming matter.

“Where’s Levy?” I ask back to her still looking around. There! I picked up her sent and followed it to the bathroom, but just before I could enter Erza and Juvia stepped in my way. “Move,” I growled at them.

“Gajeel, just wait out here.” Juvia said in a calming voice.

I growled out a warning “Move!” They stood their ground. I growled once more and swiped at Juvia to get her to move only to be pushed back by Erza. I roared up to the sky, making a hole through the roof. Suddenly the door of the bathroom opened and everyone went to stand around Levy, not that I noticed that much anyway my eyes just narrowed in on her and I charged.

 Levy POV

I looked in to his eyes and felt fear when I looked at them but that slowly subsided as I looked closer. They may be different eyes but they are still his eyes, and I still love them. I stare at him and feel like my hands are slowly getting covered by iron, I glance down at them only to see they where still perfectly fine. What’s going on? I see Erza out of the corner of my eyes run towards him, she grabs him by the back of his shirt and throws him backwards off of me. He growls and turns his arm in to a sword, ready to fight Erza. He makes the first move lunging at her trying to strike her left but she doges flying towards him to strike but when her sword is just about to hit him, he grabs it and breaks it in half. She freezes in shock, giving Gajeel just enough time to knock her to the side and comes running to me again.

“The plan” Erza crocks out from her spot on the floor. I nod and run towards the basement as fast as my legs would carry me. I push myself harder as I hear him not far behind me. I rush down the rest of the stairs and fall straight in to Gildarts arms.

“I know something was happening up there, I was about to go up and check it out for myself.” Gildarts said smiling down at me. “Are you alrig….” I loud growl interrupted mid-sentence. I whip around staring at a dragon. Iron skin, grey eyes, claws and sharp pointed canines. Still looking in to his dragon eyes I felt myself take a step towards him, I feel the invisible iron climb higher up my hand and on to my arm. My arm slowly reaches up to touch his arm but stop half-way there, just then snapping to my senses. I step back toward Gildarts and he pulls me behind him. But that only makes Gajeel growl louder. Gildarts taps me 3 time. Time to put the plan in action, I look up to his completely Sirius face. I step out from behind Gildarts and slowly move to the side moving back as I do, Gildarts moves quickly to the wall as Gajeel eyes are trained on to me. I open up one of the cells and stand in front of it as Gajeel keeps moving towards me.

Now Gildarts shouts as I jump out of the way as he uses his magic to send Gajeel in to the cell, I slam the cell door shut and Freed quickly places a rune around him that traps him and cancels out his magic. Freed and Gildarts move in front of me making sure Gajeel is secure.

“He won’t be able to get out of that for a while.” Freed states, showing me a small smile. I nod and turn around to walk back up the stairs. Gildarts put his hand on my shoulder (in a fatherly way) “You did good Levy” He smiles down at me. I Growl so loud freezes us all in place. Freed and Gildarts turn to check on him.

“Stay away from her!” Gajeel growls out “Don’t hurt her!” I stiffen at thought words. I turn around completely to see him kneeling in the front part of his cell hair covering his eyes. “Don’t hurt her,”

Tears start welling up in my eyes. “Go tell them what’s happened” Freed said pushing me up the stairs.  

Hahaha! Finally done. Sorry for the long wait and the fact that it’s so short.



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