26 • W A V E R L Y • 🥺

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"Are you sure about this?" Naomi sat on the bed, watching me throw clothes into my suitcase.

It had been two days since what happened with Stephen in the woods. Theo and Naomi wanted to cancel the camping trip early because of my sob feast and my ankle, but I refused to let Stephen ruin our plans. Plus, my ankle was fine once the swelling went down.

We spent the weekend making s'mores, roasting weenies and vowing never to go camping again. I'd managed not to let Stephen overtake my thoughts. Well, not until I was alone while Naomi and Theo went for a "hike". I wasn't sure how much actual hiking they were doing.

While I had the tent alone, I read. Or tried to, at least.

Whenever I felt like crap I picked up a book and lived vicariously through the characters and their inevitable happy ending—that didn't work anymore. Stephen had ruined reading for me. Knowing his mom was my favorite author made rereading my favorite Sasha Keaton's out of the question, as well.

The one thing that always brought me comfort was tainted by the one person who ever broke my heart. At that point I was using my tears as bookmarks.

So, when we got back to the oversized house with the beautiful pool, I knew it was time to go back to my modestly sized, pool-less home.

My mom didn't even try to talk me out of it, like she knew I needed to get out of Burbank and far away from Stephen.

The wedding planning was practically finished, there were just a few loose ends my mom needed to tend to. She promised to be home within the week, two at the most.

Shontell's wedding was the first week of August. Our lives would be back to normal soon and I couldn't wait.

"Yes,' I told Naomi, pulling more clothes from the drawers and stuffing them into the suitcase.

Naomi seemed to be the only one pushing back against my decision to leave. I think she was feeling guilty about the whole Theo thing and was secretly hoping I'd make up with Stephen so we can double date and I wouldn't be a third wheel. Okay, I didn't "think", I knew it for a fact because I overheard her talking to Theo about when they thought I was sleeping.

It was sweet, but it was never going to happen. Stephen didn't want me.

"He admitted that all he wanted to do was sleep with her," Theo said from beanbag chair in the corner, his voice dripped with venom. "You should let me go over there and kick his ass."

Naomi and I shared a look, both of us trying not to laugh. Theo had never been in a fight and Stephen could definitely take him.

Theo was right, though. Stephen told me he was interested in only one thing. But it didn't add up. Not once did Stephen attempt to get me in bed. When we kissed the other night, he was almost shy about it.

Stephen didn't want to sleep with me. Another wave of sadness hit knowing that Stephen was just saying things to push me away. Why? Did I do something wrong?

I tried to keep the tears at bay while I forced my suitcase to close. "Whatever," I said, yanking at the zipper. "I miss my bed and the public library.  Plus, we still have a few of weeks to do some of the things we planned."

Naomi didn't question my wanting to leave after that. Instead, she grabbed one of bags and headed for the stairs. Theo helped with my other suitcase and followed.

Looking around the room, I made sure I hadn't forgotten anything. My worn-out copy of Some Hearts Lie sat on the nightstand. Memories from the first reading date Stephen and I had together flashed in my head.

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