13 • W A V E R L Y • 💖

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I stared at my phone, willing it to light up with a text or a call or something. According to the time it was almost midnight. After the long day of listening to Shontell flip-flop between color schemes I should've been dead tired. Instead I was wired for some reason.

I was going to give up on expecting my phone to do something other than update the time until, finally, it rang. I accepted the call before it fully got the sound out.

"Please tell me that wasn't a butt dial?"

I smiled at hearing Naomi's voice. It wasn't until that moment I realized how much I'd missed her. "No, it wasn't a butt dial."

It had been almost a month since I found out about her and Theo. Almost a month since I'd last talked to one of my best friends. If it weren't for all the wedding planning distracting me I probably would've caved and called her sooner.

I'd called her after dinner, my fingers finding her in my phone and hitting call before I remembered we weren't on speaking terms. I gave a boy my number and needed to scream about it with my best friend.

Naomi let out a sigh of relief. "I'm so sorry, Waverly! I don't know why I thought not telling you about me and Theo was a good idea. I guess I didn't want to make things in our friend group awkward. But I ended things with Theo and-"

"Naomi, it's fine," I cut in, then added, "I mean it's not fine. Don't ever lie to me like that again. Especially if it'll make me look like a complete idiot."

"I'm so, so sorry," she said again. "And I'm sorry I told Theo you liked him. He just kept bugging me about it and it all just came out. He told me you two talked about it?"

"Yeah, we did." That conversation was the most awkward thing ever, but he was right. We had been friends for way too long to let something like that ruin us. "And we came to the conclusion that my crush on him was a case of temporary insanity. So you don't need to break-up with him. I'm over it."

She let out a small laugh. "I still feel really bad though."

"Well, if it'll make you feel any better you can send me some of your delicious chocolate peanut butter cookies."

She was silent for a beat, then, "What type of witchcraft? Can you see me? I just put some in the oven."

"They were calling to me." I laughed.

"Maybe I will bring you some, just so I can see that insane house you're staying in," she said, excitedly. "Theo told me you have a pool."

"I do! Hold on, I'll video chat you."

I hung up and started a video chat, walking out of my room and down the long dark hallway as I waited for her to pick up. Mom was a heavy sleeper so I didn't have to worry about waking her as I went past her room.

Instead of going all the way downstairs I went into one of the rooms with a balcony attached that looked out over the backyard. The rooms were gorgeous, too gorgeous which was why I chose to sleep in one of the other rooms. The one I slept in most likely belonged to someone younger, with the bright pink walls decorated with posters of Ariana Grande and K-Pop groups.

Naomi picked up just as I stepped onto the balcony. She had flour on her neck, lip and in her hair, her red hair pulled back into a ponytail. She didn't believe in baking from premixed ingredients.

"Sorry, Liam woke up asking for water so I had to deal with that," she explained. "Now show me this beautiful oasis."

I flipped the camera so she could see, luckily the moon was bright, providing enough light to see the area. Everything was bathed in blue moonlight, making it look almost magical.

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