02 • S T E P H E N • 👙

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Audri Williams was a biter. It was sexy at first. Now I was worried she was about to go Mike Tyson on my ear.

"Shit, if you're hungry we can find you something to eat."

She stopped biting on me to meet my eyes, a smirk on her face. "Only if you're on the menu." She threw me down on the bed, straddling me.

I forced a laugh. Pissing off a possible cannibal didn't sound like a good idea. Especially one with her strength. She started kissing me. I relaxed since my ears were safe. At least I tried to. Her "dirty talk" was distracting. She was throwing around words like "devour" and I couldn't tell if she meant it figuratively.

Maybe I should've listened to Devon. He warned me about her. Actually, multiple people told me she was...off. But I was bored and she was available.


I sat up, nearly knocking Audri on the floor. "Shit."

Audri climbed off my lap, arms crossed, eyes narrowed. "Who is she?"

Was she really acting jealous right now? "My mom," I said, hopping off the bed. "You gotta go." I grabbed her dress and one of her shoes from the floor, shoving them into her arms.


I picked up the pace, trying to find Audri's other shoe.

"I'm actually really good with parents," she said, as she pulled her dress on over her head. "Maybe I can meet her?"

I laughed. "She would kill you. Then she'd kill me with your dead body."

I finally found her other shoe. She was taking her sweet time putting them on. Mom was on her way up the stairs, still shouting my name. She was mad, but why?

"Stephen Lawrence Davis!" Her patience was wearing thin. I locked my bedroom door to buy myself some time.

"This way." I pushed Audri out on the balcony attached to my room.

"Are you for real?" She snapped. "We're on the second floor, Stephen. How do you expect me to get down?"

"Stephen!" The door handle jiggled. "Stephen, why is this door locked?"

"Just grab that tree branch and climb down, it's easy," I told her, already closing the door on her as she protested.

Once I closed the curtains to hide Audri's exit, I got back in bed, face down on my pillow and pretended to sleep. I heard Mom's keys before the lock turned and the door creaked open.

"Stephen!" She yanked my leg and I jolted "awake". "I know you heard me calling you."

"Ma?" I said, acting delirious and rubbing my eyes.

My mom towered over my bed, hands on her hips. "Did you forget something?"

My confusion was real that time. "Huh?"

"You were supposed to pick up Brad from the airport."

I sat up, yawning to really sell the just woke up bit. "Fell asleep."

She pursed her lips, tilting her head to the side. She saw right through that lie. "I don't understand," she said, throwing her hands up. "What do you have against Brad?"

I had a lot of issues with Brad. The main one was that my mom had only met him two months ago and they were already engaged. My mom wasn't the spontaneous type, everything she did was calculated. Thoroughly thought through. A shotgun wedding just wasn't her thing. So Brad didn't exactly sit well with me. He wanted something and had successfully brainwashed my mom to get it.

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