How 3 became 4 (M)

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« Woah, it's so quiet in here » Taeyeon let out when she entered their apartment Sunmi in toe. She had just picked her up from work and it was with delight that both of them smelled the freshly cooked meal. Heeyeon was in the kitchen preparing their meal and Tiffany was sat at the table, eyes fixed on her computer in concentration, which she lifted after their arrival.

« Well, I have an underground business to manage » She finished typing with a smile and close her laptop.

Sunmi walked up to Heeyeon « What is this delicious meal you are preparing? » She asked naturally, however, Heeyeon nervously put her gaze on her. Even if Tiffany told her to relax, that everything was fine, she kept being stressed all day. Sunmi had been on her mind all day. The cogs kept turning, wondering about everything. There was one thing specifically that kept intruding her thoughts, the most logical yet the most frightening sensation she was feeling and that Sunmi might as well.

« I'm...uh.....It's Bulgogi. My grandma's recipe » She said, clearing her throat.

« Are you ok? How are you feeling today? » The nurse asked, giving her a once over as if checking her out visually would help her determine if something was wrong.

« Oh...yeah, I'm ok. My legs don't really hurt. I can walk properly without difficulty »

« What about your head? » Sunmi questioned.

« No spinning nor dizziness » Heeyeon reported, taking a deep breath to appear normal again.

« Good » Sunmi smiled at her.

« What's happening? » Taeyeon whispered to Tiffany, suspect of Heeyeon's behavior.

« Bulgogi time » Tiffany changed the subject to hide that she, kind of, messed up.


The dinner was thankfully less awkward and they each talked about their day in a joyous atmosphere.

« So now that we finished eating, should I tell you what I pulled out of a man's ass? » Sunmi took a sip of her wine while the three others looked at her with wide eyes.

« Drugs? » Taeyeon guessed and Sunmi shook her head with a playful grin.

« A gun? » Heeyeon continued, only to receive the same answer.

« A radish » Tiffany smirked.

« How do you know? » Sunmi looked at her surprised.

« One of my informants told me he saw a man with a radish up his ass asked for help at a crackhouse »

« Was he high? » Heeyeon asked.

« Nah, he just wanted to feel pleasure »

« Well, that's dangerous as fuck just for pleasure. Maybe he should have used an appropriate tool »

« He was scared his wife would find out and think he was gay » Sunmi told them.

« One day, people will stop to automatically assume that anal sex for men means gay. Their G spot is right there for fuck sake » Taeyeon huffed « This society I swear »

« Maybe one day this world will be more open about love and sex » Tiffany directed her gaze at Heeyeon while taking a sip of wine, the ex-cop held it for a moment before directing it elsewhere. She knew Tiffany insinuating that she should talk to Sunmi but if her guess was right, she was starting to question herself as to where she stood in their couple. And what would change if she accepted the truth. She discreetly glanced at Sunmi who was laughing at one of Taeyeon's jokes. Her fingertips grazed the fabric of her sweatpants where a bullet had transpierced her months prior. They only had one life after all. And Sunmi was worth every trouble that might come.

Outcast Girls (Seulrene/Moonsun/Suayeon) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now