Talks of the Past

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TW: Mention of Drugs and Murder

Yubin was sat on their bed cross-legged, reading some book while waiting for Handong to come back. They were supposed to talk when she came back and it made her somewhat nervous. She knew they all had tragic backgrounds and that they all did things they weren't proud of but revealing your dark past...and present to someone you liked wasn't easy. There's always this little fear at the back of your head that they will reject you and think you are a monster.

The bedroom room opened and her eyes shifted from the pages to find Handong fresh from the shower, her hair still a little damp making her very attractive looking in Yubin's eyes. But of course, she always was.

The shorter girl closed her book and began picking her fingers out of nervousness while Handong was busy laying her towel on the back of the chair near the radiator. When she turned back, she was surprised to have Yubin's eyes on her « You don't have to be nervous, you know »

The short-haired girl nodded, yet, biting her bottom lip « I don't like talking about myself »

« Yeah, I realized » Handong snorted with a soft smile and went on to sit in front of her « You know already about my parents and that I'm a crackhead baby » Handong nodded with sympathy and Yubin sighed, nervously rubbing her hands on her legs « I was well aware of the streets before I was on the streets. They took me with them when they needed a dose. I found myself there. I witnessed the violence, the overdoses, even some murders in crackhouses or done by dealers and gang members who wanted their money » She clenched her fist and Handong delicately put her hand over it comfortingly « I....I was so scared by all of it, I was a child after all. I didn't want to die so I....taught myself how to fight. I.... » She began to tremble, memories coming back swirling in her mind « I...I was 8 when I killed a man for the first time....and I felt almost nothing » She dropped her head but Handong didn't detach her hand from hers and it soothed her a bit « It was more of an accidental killing but I still plunged the knife in his body » She exhaled loudly « He was a really bad person, a violent dealer and I just wanted him to stop hurting people. I don't remember who drew out the knife precisely but it flew at my feet. I was terrorized in a corner and it shined at me with hope. I held it up and someone screamed 'In his neck. In his neck' so....I did. It was harder but at the same time easier than I thought, maybe because he turned around at the same time and he sorts off killed himself. That stupid asshole » She scoffed but became serious again and took Handong's hand that was resting on her in both hers « I became obsessed with blades after that, maybe too much » She chuckled softly. She kept quiet for a moment, reminiscing her life. Handong observed her with nothing but admiration and care « When I met the girls,.... » Yubin continued « Siyeon called me the ninja or the shadow. I was very detached and their world was new to me. Siyeon is somewhat like me so I understood her, Bora is...fancier. It was obvious she came from a richer background even if she is like us. Minji...Minji was the one I had a hard time to understand. She is so bright, I couldn't comprehend how someone like that could exist in our world, it almost felt like she came straight out of a movie. She was so hopeful and took such good care of Yoohyeon who was shattered into million pieces and when I learned what she did to the men who hurt her it took me by surprise because she didn't let it broke her like most would. I admire that about her » She smiled kindly and met Handong's eyes again « They made me realize that even if life was hard as fuck, I need to live. Enjoy what I can in it »

« And you're enjoying plenty here » Handong smirked.

« I can't say I don't » Yubin grinned before being serious again « All my life, I built walls around me and I'm breaking them one brick at a time for you and the girls so please be patient with me » She asked vulnerably to the taller girl.

Handong cupped her cheek tenderly « Since I met you when I first came along with the gang, you're so much more open. I will be here for you but don't hesitate to get things off your chest » She told her « I'm not afraid of you because you killed bad people, ok? Most of us have shed blood » The short-haired girl nodded, relieved that their talk went well « Now, let's get some sleep » Handong dragged her down and Yubin laughed.

« Did I drain your energy? »

« Nah, I'm still ok but we have guests tomorrow and you're gonna be working too so »

« You're right » Yubin closed her eyes « Maybe I should fix my sleeping pattern, after all, I'm safe here » She smiled and Handong felt warmer hearing that from her.


Hyejin woke up at 2 A.M. in panic, Wheein groaned by her side pulling the covers up her face « What is it? »

« I....Shit, I forgot to water the garden » She got up, grabbing a sweater to wear.

Wheein watched the complete darkness outside « Hyejin, it's the middle of the night. Can't you do it tomorrow? »

« No » Hyejin replied, shaking her head with determination « They're like babies. You need to feed babies regularly » She put her shoes on.

« Ok » Wheein grunted, getting herself out of the bed.

« What are you doing? » Hyejin raised an eyebrow.

« I'm going with you » Wheein shrugged « Do you think I'll let you do it the middle of the night » She huffed, putting her shoes on as well still half-asleep.

Hyejin blushed slightly « Thanks » She handed her a scarf and kissed her cheek.

« Don't mention it » Wheein rolled her eyes, nonetheless, with a smile.

They went outside in silence to not wake anyone and filled the old watering cans they had found on the property and walked up to the little garden that was slowly growing. Hyejin took one side and Wheein the other and they watered the thirsty ground and plants.

« You know, when I do this it makes me think of our time in Mr. Lim's fields back at our village » Hyejin told her best friend.

« Oh my god, you're right » Wheein straightened up. When they were younger, they used to help an old man cultivate his fields. It was a way for them to win a bit of money and be away from home « These damn potatoes » Wheein snorted « Do you think he's still alive? »

« I hope so, he was so nice » Hyejin sighed in thoughts « He deserves to outlived all the bastards » Mr. Lim was the son of a local woman and a Japanese soldier, needless to say, the whole village rejected him from birth.

« Yeah, I hope too. He helped us a lot and he was the only one to be nice to us » Wheein remembered the rather quiet yet extremely nice old man.

« I remember him saying to us 'Girls, you sadly don't choose your family but.... »

« can surely build one that can love you » They finished in unison and chuckled. They finished watering and wheein extended her hand that Hyejin took happily as they made their way back inside.

« You know.. » She smiled « I understand what he was talking about now » She stared at the school with shining eyes and Wheein wrapped her arm around her. Not only they were each other family but they had a big one now.


Hey, guys!

Hope you enjoyed?

See you on Saturday :)


Outcast Girls (Seulrene/Moonsun/Suayeon) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now