In Search Of Seungwan Pt 2

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TW: Drugs 

The 9th Gang's house looked like an old abandoned haunted mansion but it didn't stop Sooyoung from going inside pushing the armed doorman on her way in. He took out his gun to go after her but luckily Sunmi gained his attention.

« Hey, man »

His head snapped to her, eyes squinted « Doc? »

« Still not a doc. Still a nurse » she sent him a sympathetic smile as he put his gun back in the holster « Sorry for our friend. Can we....can we go in? » she politely asked even though she had already passed the door.

« Sure » he stared at them one by one without a word as they followed her.

The main floor of the house was basically a small-sized garbage field. There was no other word to describe it. Trash everywhere and drugged up people laying on the filthy floor or on old couches. Sooyoung was running around to find Seungwan without any luck yet.

« Have you been here before? » Minji asked Sunmi because she had known what this place was earlier and now she seemed to know (a little) the guard.

« Yeah, we handled an overdose here once » she grabbed Sooyoung when the tall girl came near them « We need to go to the basement. That's where they operate »

She didn't have to say it twice for Sooyoung to rush down the stairs making the girls run after her again.

The subdued lights didn't help the creepy atmosphere of the basement, they passed through a neatly organized room, completely contrasting with what was going on upstairs. It was like an entirely separate place. They entered a larger room almost the size of a warehouse.

« Seungwan! » Sooyoung yelled when she spotted the girl's backside on the other side of the room. But then, out of nowhere, a woman stood before her, blocking her way.

« May I help you, Love? »

Sooyoung tried to go forward but the woman kept blocking her way, her eerie smile expanding.

« I.....Uh....she... »

« She's with me » Sunmi cut her, coming closer when she saw how agitated and incoherent Sooyoung was. The woman squinted her eyes, the scar that she was bearing, who started a little above her left eyebrow to cut its way through it and to finish at the top of her cheekbone, becoming more visible to her under the change of lightning and it gave her an even more menacing look.

« I have to give it to you, you don't look unfamiliar but if you are not here to buy then you are trespassing and I don't like that »

« We're just here for our friend » Sunmi pointed at Seungwan who hadn't moved.

« She seems capable of taking care of herself » she said looking back at them after seeing who they were talking about.

« No, she's not » Sooyoung didn't stay in place this time, the woman grabbed her arm when she tried to pass by her again but Sooyoung fought back not a care in the world for her own life. Sunmi intervened quickly. Sooyoung managed to free herself and ran to Seungwan as Sunmi was still struggling with the woman while the others didn't know what to do to not get killed as they saw the attention they'd gained from the people in the room. Sunmi finished by slapping the woman across the face, earning a general gasp.

Her eyes widened at her own action and her jaw dropped. Some of the people in the room pointed their guns at them, the girls immediately raised their hands. The armed people moved forward until the woman raised her hand and gestured for them to back off.

Her head lifted with a huge chilling wicked smile on.

« Are you ok, Boss? » a man asked behind her. At the realization, Sunmi's eyes widened even more.

« Peachy » the woman replied, smirking at the now very pale nurse « You must really care for your friend »

Sunmi gulped « I...I do »

The boss nodded, pursing her lips in thought « I remember you now. You're the nurse from the clinic a little east » Sunmi didn't say anything nor move « You have guts » the woman chuckled.

Sooyoung had reached Seungwan and put a trembling hand on her shoulder. The smaller girl was staring at a bunch of pills in her hand who was shaking too.

« I didn't....I didn't take them, Sooyoung » she whispered.

The taller girl sighed in relief « It's good. It's really good, Sweetie »

« I'm so sorry » Seungwan sobbed.

« It's ok. You're doing good » Sooyoung approached her hand under hers so Seungwan could give her the pills; she didn't want to rush or scare her and she wanted her to do it willingly.

Seungwan slowly put them in her hand, still apologizing to her. Once in it, Sooyoung brought Seungwan in a hug, squeezing her tightly against her. The smaller girl held onto her for dear life like she was the only material attach in her spiraling world.


Hey, guys!

Hope you enjoyed?

Our baby Seungwan is doing great ;)

Also, who do you think is the 9th gang leader?

See you on Sunday :)


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