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Yippee, another one of my books where I create the story and after a few days, delete it. Anyway, all drawings used is not by me, Camp Camp itself is not created by me. Just thought we cover that right now. Please request here, it's easier to find. Please read the rules below:

What I will write

•Male readers, the reader is female throughout but I will put Male in the title if so.
•Lemons/Smuts, not child and adult ones. If with Daniel, David or Gwen then you are an adult. If with the campers then you and the character will be older
•Fluff of course, I think I can do it with the camper and the reader as kids?? Nothing extreme like a whole makeout session, just like a peck on the cheek and an "I love you too" kinda thing. Please let me know if this is not allowed cuz I'm dumb af
•depressed readers or characters, I will add a Trigger Warning
•(character) x (character) x reader

What I will not write

•No child Lemons, again the camper and reader will be older.
•I don't know what else to put
•Quartermaster, Cameron Campbell or Penelope (Miss Priss) X reader

This will include swearing of course, anyway I hope you enjoy :)

Camp Camp x fem!reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now