Max x Abused!reader

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Your POV

"Dad stop!" I cried, feeling another blow to my head as his knuckles showered down on me
"You little fucking bitch!" He hissed as he sent another kick to my stomach, I rolled up into a fetal position while clutching my bruised stomach. I looked over at my mother with mortified eyes.

"Mom! Please help me!" I begged, she ignored me. That once joyful face was melancholic, covered in plasters and bruises from my father. I've never held any resentment towards her, I know she is too scared to fight back. She continued to watch the TV over dad's yelling and my sobs. And so the torture continued...


I lunged forward and clutched my chest, my heart was pounding and I felt extremely hot. My face was drenched in tears and sweat as I panted, gasping for air.

This is not the first time I've had these sort of nightmares, but that doesn't mean I get used to them.

I heard a groggy voice from next to me
"(Y/n)?" I shared a tent with Nikki. "I'm sorry, Nikki.. Had a bad dream" I apologized
"You seem to have a lot of those.." She stated, going back to sleep.

I looked down to my lap, feeling bad for waking her up nearly every night. I sighed and tried to get back to sleep, my clothes were sticky with sweat and grasped onto my skin like glue.

I pushed past it somehow and managed to go back to sleep, waiting to be awoken by the sun seeping into the tents opening.

Time Skip

I walked into the mess hall, my eyes scanned the room as I looked for my friends. They were in the line so I walked over and joined them.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked
"I think we're gonna have pancakes! But I don't know, I hope we do" Nikki answered. I nodded, leaning against the wall

"Where's Max?" I questioned, noticing that the boy wasn't here yet
"He's probably just sleeping in, he had a nightmare that kept him up throughout most of the night!" Exclaimed Neil

I nodded and began to walk away
"I'm gonna find him, save my spot!" I instructed, they nodded as I left. I sighed and stuffed my hands into my (f/c) hoodie, the morning summer breeze was soothing.

I walked over to a tent and unzipped it, looking inside I noticed Max sitting on his bed drinking coffee. His charcoal black hair was ruffles and he wore his mustard yellow shirt. His blue hoodie was hung up

"Yo, what you doing in here?"he asked, taking another sip of black coffee.
"You weren't at the mess hall so I came to find you, can I have a drink?" I asked
"Go for it" I nodded and walked over to his coffee maker, I grabbed myself a cup and waited

"So, what was the nightmare about?" I asked, he practically spat out his coffee
"I don't have nightmares! Who the fuck told you that?"
"Of course it's Neil" he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance

"Look, I don't have nightmares. Now let's talk about something else" I nodded
"Fine." I poured the coffee into my mug and sat next to him
"You know what we're doing today?" He shook his head
"Nope, and I don't care" he replied.

I looked at his arms and noticed some very faint bruises and scars, possibly from cigarette burns. Perhaps that's something I'll ask him about later.

Time skip

It began to get dark out, the sun was dripping below the horizon with each minute, the shadows of the trees grew and stretched across the campsite.

Me, Max, Nikki and Neil we're playing football in the meantime, David was occupied shouting at Space kid for eating a rock, so he was nowhere to be seen.

"This sucks, I'm going to my tent." Max said, beginning to walk away
"Can we come with?" Nikki asked, he sighed and shrugged with a grunt.

I began to walk over to him, he glanced at me and looked straight forward again.
"Max, can I ask you something?" I asked him, my (e/c) eyes stared into his teal ones.

He huffed
"If it's about the nightmare, save it"
"No no, it's not about that" I looked around to make sure that no one else was in ear-shot.

"Your.. your arms" I began, his face turned sour and he looked away
"Your parents did that.. didn't they?" I already knew the answer to that.

"It's none of your fucking business, (y/n)." He spat coldly, I gave him a sympathetic smile and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, I unders-"
"Ugh! Fucking hell, you and this fucking camp!" He snapped, I stared at him shocked. I pulled my hand away as he began to argue.

"How can you fucking understand? Do you come home to nothing on the table, no dinner? No love? No lovey-dovey bullshit?!" My expression turned into fury as he carried on.

"How do you fucking know what it's like? Living with selfish fucking assholes you call parents? Huh? You don-"

"Yes I fucking do Max!" His face turned from rage to confused in a blink of an eye.
"Wh.. what?" He shook his head, looking puzzled as he tried to take in what I said. I sighed and looked down to my feet, feeling ashamed about my outburst.

"My.. my father hurts me and my mother.." I mumbled, pulling down the neck part of my shirt and showing him plum-colored bruises from strangulation.

His brows furrowed as many emotions flashed through his eyes; misery, enraged, regretful. It was like he was.. looking at himself, seeing himself in me.

I felt tears drip down my cheeks as I began to quietly sob, my shoulders shook with each weep that slipped from my throat.

I threw myself onto Max and gripped him tightly, my fingers clawed the fabric of his hoodie. He jumped slightly at the contact"I.. *Sniff* I'm sorry, Max.. I shouldn't have screamed at you.."

"Don't say sorry, I should be the one apologizing. I was being a selfish asshole, you had every right to shout" Max hesitantly hugged back, rubbing circles between my shoulder plates

He sighed
"I did have a nightmare, it was about my parents." Max admitted. I sniffled and smiled softly at him

"It's going to be okay, Max." I felt him smile
"I fucking hope so" I giggled
"I love you, Max" he paused and sighed, not wanting to seem soft but replied

"I love you too" I pulled away from the hug with a grin
"Who knows, we may be adopted by David"
"God fucking dammit, (y/n)"

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