Daniel x Counselor!reader LEMON

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This is really fucking long, I'm sorry

Third person

(Y/n) watched as the children ran around, playing games with eachother and having a blast. She sighed softly, the warm, summer breeze embraced her.

Gwen had left earlier this morning, leaving (y/n) by herself as they were close friends. David was nice to be around though, he was so full of life! But.. the other David, Daniel, was something else.

When he first stepped inside the cabin, (y/n) felt.. off. Was it that mysterious glint in his aqua-blue eyes? Was it that unsettling, toothy grin? Or was it that cultist vibe. Not to mention he looked a lot like David.

It's obvious that every other camper felt uncomfortable around him too, they proudly expressed that. Especially Max, the little devil himself.

(Y/n) snapped out of her thoughts as she felt a little tug on her hand, looking down it was Max.
"He's staring at you again." He stated, crossing his arms as he stared up at you.

You gave him a confused look before fully understanding him, you looked to your right to see Daniel from afar, Max was right. He was staring, with that grin.

You awkwardly waved at him, to which he happily returned. You looked down back at Max
"Are you getting that creepy cultist vibe too?"

"Yes! Fucking look at him, he doesn't even blink!" Max exclaimed
"I'll keep an eye on him, you try to get it through to David that Daniel needs to be let go, okay?" Max nodded
"On it"

You watched as the boy ran away to the counselor's cabin while playing with the hem of your shirt. You felt the atmosphere get cold, like he was near..

"Howdy, (y/n)!" You jumped at the familiar voice, chuckling nervously
"Daniel! Hello there, how are you finding the camp?" You tried to bring up a friendly conversation

"It's lovely here, so many eager young kiddos, I just know they are dying to meet their full potential!" So he's part of the Scientology cult, huh?

You nodded your head vigorously
"Yeah, I'm glad to hear that" you gave him a forced smile
"How long have you worked here?" He asked, you felt your teeth clench. You just wanted him to leave.

"I started this summer, first day" he was going to speak before Max walked in between you two

"(Y/n)" You looked down, Max motioned for you to follow. Daniel began to follow before Max snapped his head around
"You stay here" he ordered, jabbing his finger at Daniel.

Daniel's grin became wider, more forced even, as his gaze turned cold. Obviously disapproving of Max's instruction.

Max nodded at you to follow and continued to walk, feeling Daniel's eye burning into the back of your heads.

Time skip - Your POV

Niel and Nikki joined us, ready to catch that fucking cultist. Nikki had her fists ready and Niel had.. his intellect?

We stormed into the mess hall, swinging open the doors to reveal all of the devil's doings.
"Alright you fucking cultist, hands up!"

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