Daniel x reader ANGST

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Listening to Therefore You and Me while writing this and it put me in a sad mood, so here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Third person POV

The distressed woman paced up and down, clutching at the fabric of her shirt as thoughts ran through her mind. Her emotions were running wild, so many masks falling off her face. Love, dismay, heartache.. these all clouded her vision.

Everyday she dreads the day her beloved won't come home, she worried for his sake. All the time they moved from place to place, from one hiding spot to another. All authorities knew of his face, those aqua eyes of murder and torment was known everywhere.

(Y/n) knew she couldn't love him, after all the abhorrent crimes of which he's committed? Who would love a man who left an entire summer camp butchered and tainted with rat poison? Yet she stayed with him.

Through thick and thin she and Daniel have walked through, hiding him if the cops came round to question. But why? (Y/n) was aware that doing this was wrong, but love is hard to eliminate.

"Love, I'm home!" Daniel chirped in a sing-song tone, (Y/n)'s head snapped around to meet those dangerous, wicked eyes. She smiled, but it didn't feel as sincere as she had hoped. He wrapped his arms around her waist and placed a soft kiss on top of her forehead.

It was sweet and gentle, but wounding at the same time. She planted a peck on the corner of his lips and gazed up at him
"I've cooked your favorite!" (Y/n) stated, walking to the kitchen.
He gasped like an excited child "Steak?!" She giggled at his innocent reaction and nodded.

She placed the cutlery and condiments on the table, pouring them both some water into their glasses. She sat across from Daniel, observing him as he sliced into the steak. Despite the fact that he was a criminal, he really blended into society.

Who would've guessed that this jubilant, attractive male is a destructive criminal who would gladly decapitate anyone who got in his way. For (Y/n), this was heartbreaking. She spends most of her days asking herself, can he change? Is he willing too?

She knew she was the only one keeping this man sane, put how could she put an end to this? No matter how much she loved him, they just can't be together.
"(Y/n), are you alright?" Daniel questioned her, she didn't realize the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"H-huh? Yeah! I'm fine" she wiped her eyes with the side of her hand. Daniel's brow furrowed and placed his hand on top of hers
"Dear, talk to me. What's the matter?" He asked once again, (y/n)'s shoulders shook when his hand touched hers.

She imagined how much blood was on his hands, the crimson liquid would drench his snow white clothing.
"Daniel, I'm fine. There's just something in my eye" she lied. His eyes looked hurt, he knew when she lied.

"I want to help! Please, let me in" he pleaded
"Did someone hurt you? I'll kill the-"
"Enough, Daniel! It's.." she took a deep breath, avoiding his gaze
"It's you.. I'm sorry.." she whispered, she could hear Daniel's heart crumble.
He didn't look enraged, but wounded.

He stood up slowly, his eyes not leaving hers. He craned his neck to the side, popping and cracking filled the room, she flinched at it
"I try to stop it, you know I can't! Either way, I'm a dead man!" He exclaimed, his arms spread out as he walked towards her.

"I want to love you, Daniel! I really do! But we can't do anything romantic! We can't walk out in public, hand in hand, the cops will shoot you!" She argues, her tears began to pour like a waterfall
"How many innocent children have you killed, Daniel? How much blood has tainted your hands?!" He held her hands and clutched them to both of their chests, gazing down at her

"We can figure this all out, dear. I know we can!"
"I worry night and day, wondering if you'll ever come back to me, wondering if the cops had found you. We can't keep running, Daniel!" The girl cried, dropping to her knees and sobbing.
"I can't love you, Daniel.. no matter how much it pains me, I just can't!"

Daniel watched her fall to her knees, his chest felt tight and his throat burned. The only sound in that house was (Y/n)'s sobbing and sniffles. Daniel didn't speak, just stared down at her. What was there to say? I'm sorry? like that was going to make up for hundreds of lives.
"I want you to stop, I can't sleep next to a murderer anymore." She continued, he remained silent

"Do you even love me? Am I just someone who has to defend you, all of the time? Am I just a toy to you, using me for your plans?" She prodded on, standing up and jabbing her finger at his chest. He seemed insulted
"Of course I love you! If I didn't, do you think I'd be standing in front of you right now?" He spoke back

He didn't realize it, but tears began to form in side of his eyes, threatening to fall
"Is that all I am to you? A murderer? I'm human too, y'know!"
"Then fucking act like one!" She screamed and grabbed her coat before storming into the night

"(Y/n), wait!" He cried out for her, running out into the woods to find her. He kept on tripping up as he chased after her, wanting her in his arms again. He dodged the trees swiftly, ducking under branches and squinting to find her in the dark.
"Fuck sake.. (Y/n)! Please come back!" He skidded on some mud and slipped down a slope. He landed at the side of the road, grunting as his face slapped into the asphalt.

He noticed red and blue lights flashing, reflecting on the ground. His damaged heart dropped as he heard yelling
"Stay on the ground, now!"
"Put your hands behind your back!" It was over, he obliged and crossed his arms behind his back. His hands were cuffed and two officers dragged him towards the car

"Where is she? Where's my (y/n)?!" He cried, eyes scanning over the swarm of police cars, the lights were blinding. His eyes were pouring as he tried to fight the police off, but.. If this is what it took for (Y/n) to forgive him, then he will do this. He stopped struggling as he was placed in the back, staring at his feet with a bittersweet smile. Maybe she'd forgive him, and they both can be happy...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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