Daniel x Self harm!reader

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Third person POV

(Y/n) watched the TV with dull eyes, the repeated beeping of the heart monitor clashed with others within the hospital. It was her first day in the hospital, she would have to stay in for some time because the amount of blood lost, and possibly moved into a ward for an evaluation.

Her arms were wrapped up in itchy bandages, as her arms were painted with 2 inch gashes all around. It was grey and lame in the hospital, an empty bed placed next to her gave her a soar reminder that she was alone.

No family or friends to visit, not like they wanted too anyway. She truly was lost, continuing to drown in a pit of despair. Her eyes moved from the TV and onto a nurse

"Good afternoon, (y/n). You are going to have a neighbour, beware though- he is quite.. delusional" The nurse explained with a soft smile, (y/n) rose an eyebrow.

Delusional? There are plenty of mentally ill patients around here, most of them are in the lower parts of the hospital. So surely this person is not much different. (Y/n) nodded and thanked for the warning anyway, a little glad that she will have someone to talk too.

She turned back to the TV, a new episode 'Rob Boss' appeared on the screen. He was painting a beautiful landscape, a little tree here and there.. and a lake too. (Y/n) smiled and relaxed into the bed as she watched.

Before she got too comfortable, she noticed a man being placed in the bed next to her. He had blonde, cape-honey hair and striking blue eyes, not to mention he looked sickly pale.

He didn't seem too happy to be here, but (y/n) wanted company and was happy to be near someone - especially someone around her age. It gets boring to talk to the elderly patients.

He layed back into the bed with a slight frown on his face, sighing and looking to his right he noticed her. His frown turned into a smile with a blink of an eye
"Why hello! I didn't know they had angels here. Actually, it's understandable if they did" he whispered the last part to himself, it was quite creepy to see that.. grin on his face, but beggars can't be choosers

(Y/n) smiled softly
"Hello to you too, my name's (y/n)" she introduced herself, his icy hues seemed to burn right through her
"What a beautiful name for a beautiful lady, my name's Daniel" his grin (somehow) got wider.

"How come you are in the hospital?" (Y/n) asked, he frowned as he seemed to look back, staring into an abyss
"Rat poison, 'nuff said" his eyes landed back onto you and his smile came back
"What about you?" (Y/n)'s smile faltered slightly, she held up your arm.

His smile faltered with hers
"..oh.. I'm so sorry" Daniel gave her a sympathetic look, she waved her hand dismissively
"It's fine, not my first rodeo" she chuckled in hopes to lighten the mood, it was successful. There was a slight pain in your chuckle when referring to your past suicide attempts, but you tried to push past it.

"Do you know when you get out?" Daniel asked, (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders
"Nope, this is technically my first day here. I came in last night" she explained
"According to the doctor's, I had lost a lot of blood. Soo.. perhaps a few days? Plus they may take me to a ward" she added

"Really? Me too! According to them I'm delusional." He did quotation marks with his fingers. (Y/n) rose an eyebrow, squinting in suspicion and uneasiness
"Oh yeah? How co-"
"Talking about religion, have you heard of our Ultralord Xemüg?" He interrupted, craning his neck to the side as he spoke

You jumped slightly as his neck cracked, and how the fast the topic had changed
"U-uh.. no?"
"Well, do you have an interest in.. space?"

Daniel's POV

"Well, do you have an interest in.. space?" I asked her, she nodded her head and I began to tell her all about my religion. The way she nodded in interest and 'ooh!"ed in awe made my poison filled gut flutter.

The way her entrancing (e/c) hues gazed at me as I blather about Xemüg, how her rosy lips smiled when I cracked a joke.. she was gorgeous! I've never had much empathy when it came to humans, but seeing (y/n)'s arms wrapped in bandages made my heart ache.

How many times has she done this? Why has she done this?.. who hurt her? I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard (y/n)'s voice
"Daniel? Earth to Daniel?" She stared at me with concern
"You okay?"

I nodded
"Yes, of course! Why do you ask?"
"You began to slur your words around like, 10 minutes in" she giggled. 10 minutes? Geez, time does go fast. I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly

"Sorry, lost in thought" I chuckled at my odd behaviour, she nodded her head in understanding and chuckled with me.

She looked past me and out of the window, it was getting dark. The sun dipped bellowed the horizon, the sky was a showcase of gorgeous shade is oranges, reds and purples. The stars were getting more visible as the sky darkened.

I smiled, maybe.. I can be rid of a life of crime. For moments like these, they make me feel alive. And perhaps, I could help her through her self destructive behaviors, maybe I can be her missing piece.

Me and (y/n) sat crossed legged in our beds, both of us watching the sunset. No words were exchanged, just a peaceful silence hung in the air.
"You know what Daniel?" She began, I turned to her and hummed

"Maybe I don't want to die, all of these sunsets I would miss.." her eyes never moved from the window, she sighed calmly
"All these moments, bittersweet in a way. I felt alone for a long time Daniel, but now that I have met you" her eyes finally landed on me
"Maybe life won't be so harsh"

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