Chapter 6

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Sasuke POV

I stared at him and he looked really confused so I decided to be honest with him "when you left I searched for you, I didn't want to believe that you would really leave me, so every chance I got even during missions I would look for you" I looked into his eyes "but I finally figured it out when we met again, you are my sunshine, the light to my darkness, when I went to sleep each night I always dreamed that you will be there when I wake up" I whispered with tears running down my face, I know people assume that I don't have any feelings but I do even if it's just for him, Me and Sakura tried to be friends once but it didn't work, Naruto was the glue that kept the team together so it wasn't shocking that after he left we fell apart but now that he's standing in front of me and listening to what I'm saying gives me hope, how can I make him see that we can be happy together....I felt his hands on my face again this time wiping my tears away "shh don't cry sasuke, it's alright everything going to be alright" he whispered in my ear has he held me tightly

I wrapped my arms around him my silence tears turning into painful sobs "please...d..don't...leave" I sobbed into his chest "if you had told me three years ago that you loved me I wouldn't of left" Naruto said gently I lifted my head in shock he had a small smile on his lips "you mean...." I couldn't even finish what I was saying but the smile never left his face "I would of done anything to make you see that I could stand beside you and protect you from the darkness you carried, I wanted to take your pain away to make you understand that you don't have to carry it alone because I would be there to help" he replied sadly as his eyes got this distant look "but I thought you would never want me like I wanted you so, I decided to leave because honestly I wouldn't be able to watch you with someone else" he finished with tears in his eyes.

I lifted my hand and wiped away a tear that had fallen "I only came back because of you, no one else in that village means anything to me only you, you were my life line, the reason I could breath" I told him truthfully then the most amazing thing happened he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine so gently that if my eyes weren't open I wouldn't of believed it happened, when he pulled away it looked like he was having an internal battle then he licked his lips, that movement had my eyes following and my cock to harden because that simple move was turning me on, I pulled him back into my arms and slammed my lips to his roughly, I tried to send all my feelings into the kiss so he would know how much I've missed him

I moved my hands and starting taking our clothes off I need to feel his bare skin a few minutes later we were both naked and just touching each other like the other person was going to disappear, I've always loved his golden tanned skin I ran my hands down his chest and I was rewarded with a moan escaping his mouth "Naruto.....I want you" I whispered huskily he slowly opened his eyes which were full of lust and love he smiled "I want you too" he replied trying to catch his breath, I couldn't believe he's finally mine all those years I wasted but now....every time I did something that pleased him he moaned my name making it harder for me because I wanted to ravish his body but since it's our first time I didn't want to hurt him, the room was filled with our moans, pants and heavy breathing the moment I slipped inside his tight, hot body I've never felt such bliss in my life

After we made love for the third time we collapsed on the bed both of us panting heavily, I looked at his delicious body which was sweaty and covered with cum and......damn are those my finger nail marks I thought feeling smug about marking him and showing people that he belongs to me, I pulled him closer "I never thought this would ever happen, all those years....." I started to say but he stopped me by putting his hand on my mouth rolling over so our faces were really close "there's no point dwelling on the past we've both made mistakes because no matter what what we can't turn back time and make it right, all we can do is look to the future together if that's what you want" he replied gently but firmly "I only have a future if your in it" was the only thing I said before we both fell into the most peaceful night sleep in there long years


Naruto POV

I sighed has I lifted myself of the floor I've been training since dawn and I'm knackered I walked into the house and smelled something delicious cooking so I went straight to the kitchen and their stood at the stove ((A/N: if they have one)) was Sasuke, I bet your wondering what happened....well after we spent the night together and finally admitted how we felt, we decided to tell Gaara who was looking a lot better than he had, he was happy for us which made us smile

We told my old teammates and, Kakashi said "finally I thought you'd never tell each other how you felt" me and Sasuke just looked at each other and laughed, Sai was glad we stopped being dicks I rolled my eyes at that. Sakura was another matter altogether she said she was happy for us but I noticed and so did Sasuke that she didn't mean it her smile was pure fake "I don't care what you think or say I'm never letting him go so get use to it" Sasuke said growling has he pulled me closer, I did go back to the village but only to visit, I remember looking around the leaf when it hit me I realised I didn't feel sadness or hatred for them, Sasuke told the Hokage that he's moving out of the village to live with me and also to announce that he won't be going on missions but if they really needed help he will, while Sasuke went to talk to the Hokage I went to visit my parents grave and told them what I've been doing for the last three years

By the time I was finished I sensed Sakura behind me I turned around and looked her in the eye "what do you want Sakura" I asked narrowing my eyes and getting ready for an attack if she decided to do so, not that she'll get anywhere "I know I wasn't happy about Sasuke being with you.....but after hearing him talk to Lady Tsunade about you I realised you're the only one that has ever made him happy" she took a deep breath "I'm sorry about how I reacted before but now I hope you both are very happy together" then she walked away maybe one day she will be truly happy for us. Sasuke came back and informed me that he was given permission to leave the village which I was extremely happy about. I was brought out of my thoughts by Sasuke making a noise I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist while resting my chin on his shoulder from the corner of my eye I saw him smile which is another good thing about us I've noticed Sasuke smiles more.

He turned his head to look at me but I placed my lips onto his and gently kissed him, I can't believe that after five years together he can still give me butterflies, he turned around and wrapped in my arms around and deepened the kiss, I don't know how long we stayed like that before Sasuke was leading us towards our bedroom where we showed each other how much love we have and I was so happy....because he's mine and I'm his

The End



So I've basically shortened this story by nearly half because I don't understand why I made chapter that short instead of joining them in the first place - Jayne x

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