Updates on Life and Writing (October 2023)

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It's been awhile since I've come on here and updated/checked this story, so I thought it would be a good enough time to come on here and give you guys an update on everything I've been doing lately...

Life Update:

I became a great aunt for the first time, a couple of months ago, so I've been enjoying spending time with him, yes it was a boy and then the usual adult things we have to deal with, work, bills, family, you all know the usual things

Writing Update:

Now onto the main topic, I have started writing more stories for my book 'Hermione's Desires' I have a few in drafts that I need to look over before posting but will get around to do them soon

My 'Sasu/Naru One Shots' are still ongoing, I'm in the middle of a new one that I will hopefully be posting before Christmas {if all goes to plan} though I am thinking of writing another Sasu/Naru story with multi chapters but as of this moment, nothing is written enough to post


PS. I hope everyone is safe and healthy, I wish the young students a happy future and the adults a calming one, with good health and happiness

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