Chapter 4

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Sasuke POV

We had just finished our conversation when the door opened and their stood dobe in a outfit that suited him well, he's wearing black cargo pants, black vest top and black ninja scandals he wasn't paying us any attention "lets go, the flower doesn't bloom for long and after they close up, it'll be completely useless to us" he announced seriously, while collecting his weapons before walking out the door leaving everyone shocked. I don't think any of us imagined Naruto to change so much it's like he's a different person, Lady Tsunade was heartbroken when he just disappeared, when this is all finished how can we tell her that not only had we seen Naruto but also the fact we didn't bring him home "sensei does lady Tsunade know he's here" Sakura asked slightly still in shock "no she doesn't" Kakashi replied softly "I don't think you should inform the Hokage" Sai interrupted them "and why is that" I said folding my arms as I narrowed my eyes "she would expect us to bring him home with us but we all know he doesn't want that, are you going to take him back by force because if you do that, he'll only hate you for it" he answered emotionless before following Naruto

As we where walking to the meeting room I thought about what Sai said and unfortunately he was right, I never want Naruto to hate me but I don't think I'll be able to just walk away from him when this is over, we arrived at the meeting and found Naruto already talking to Kankuro, when everyone was there we sat down and within seconds people stopped talking as Temari stood up and started discussing the mission "we've decided to just let the leaf shinobi and Naruto go on this mission in case outsiders have heard about Gaara's state and try to attack us" she said seriously but turning to Naruto "Naruto have you got anything to say" she asked smiling softly

Naruto stood up "yes I have thank you Temari, I agree with Temari and Kankuro about sand shinobi not leaving the village, others would certainly try and take a chance on attacking if they hear Gaara is not well enough to protect it, now about the mission the place that grow the flower is unlike anything you've ever seen before as it changes its location every few years to stop it going extinct" he spoke with confidence leaving me amazed by how much he's grown "so after we retrieve the flower the location will disappear so no bastards can take them also when you leave its location you won't remember where it is" he continued with a confidence he didn't have years ago "why wouldn't we remember" I asked confused he looked at me "there seems to be a justu on the place that keeps people from going back" he replied firmly but I could sense he wasn't speaking the truth "but how do you know where it is" Sakura questioned slightly interested, well she was more than interested but trying to hide it, he sighed heavily "I really don't know" he shrugged after talking for another hour we went back to our rooms to double check our bags.

Naruto POV

After the meeting I went to see how Gaara was, I walked into the secured room and went over to him, he was sweating his body running a fever I leaned down and whispered into his ear "hold on gaara I'll get back with the flower I promise, just keep fighting it until I get back" I wiped his forehead before leaving the room to join up with my old teammates {oh, what fun} I thought sarcastically, there was a deafening silence as we made our way towards the entrance of the village "we need to go towards the mountains" I told them while moving in that direction "why are you leading us" Sakura asked with a huff, I stopped and turned around "do you know where we are going" I said seriously she looked down and whispered "no" I nodded my head "then I suggest you should keep your mouth shut" I growled then I turned back around and started running "do you think you went a bit too hard on her kit" Kurama muttered though I could sense the smirk on his face, I scoffed before replying "hell no, if I didn't say that to her now imagine what she would be like through out this mission" he chuckled at my answer "your right, she's always had a whiny voice to begin with but maybe you should go easier on them" he replied slowly, I frowned at that because he's never said that before "why should I they where my teammates and they where going to betray me" I answered Kurama went quiet after that

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