Chapter 5

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Naruto POV

An hour later we got to the mountain, to anyone passing it would just look like another mountain but if they know what was hiding in the centre "kit can you feel that" Kurama growled, the closer we got to the more Kurama would pace and growl "yes I looks like it's going to change location soon, we'll have to hurry" I answered before turning to the others "we have to get in and get out as quickly as possible" I said quickly but calmly "why wants happening" Sai asked it was then that I noticed they were all worried "the justu around the mountain is going to change its location soon" I mentioned while walking quicker, I stopped at the entrance of the cave before pulling some rope from of my pack before wrapping it around my waist then walking over and did the same to the others "what's with the rope dobe" Sasuke asked when I was finished, I looked at him before answering "when we enter the cave your sharingan is pretty much useless even if you could activate your sharingan you'll never be able to release yourself or the others" I said as I packed the rest of the rope away "also this rope is infused with my chakra so if anything happens I'll be able to pull you out" I continued explaining before they could interrupt.

We walked through the cave for about 20 minutes with me in front obviously because I knew where we were going, everyone was so quiet and to me that calms me, but I've noticed that Sasuke who was behind me was really close to my back then suddenly I felt a hand on my waist, I already knew belonged to Sasuke but what confuses me most was we were never touchy-feely when we were kids so I don't understand why he's doing it now, we came to a stop at the end of the cave when I heard a collection of gasps from behind me, in front of us there is a small waterfall with a Sakura tree growing on the edge by the water and surrounding it is a field of flowers. Now you must be thinking what's so special about a field of flowers but it's the colour of the petals that makes it simply breathtaking with the colours black, purple and silver "how can there be a flower like that" Sasuke said still in awe, I chuckled softly "because of how rare they are, they will only heal someone who is worthy and only once' I replied leaning down to start picking them.

"Erm Naruto if you need to be worthy are you sure it's going to work on Gaara, there was a time were he would of killed everyone" Kakashi asked I continued to pick four more flowers one for each village "it doesn't matter if he was once a killer, the flower will determine if he should be healed or not" I answered calmly, though I was angry at the thought of him thinking that Gaara wasn't worthy, I wrapped them carefully and placing them in my backpack "we have to leave now or we will get stuck here" I announced after no one spoke, we started walking back the way we came but just a little quicker until we got to the opening, has we got outside I noticed the others looking around confused "it appears they have forgotten the way into the mountain" Kurama mentioned after being quiet for awhile "it seems so but I think that's for the best" I answered back while walking up to the others, just before taking off I felt the power of the jutsu "they are safe again" I heard Kurama mutter quietly, I turned and followed the others for the journey back to the sand village "Naruto do you know where it's gone" Kakashi questioned me slowly, I shook my head "it's been in that spot since I left the village, I don't know where it will be now" I replied strongly "so your not going to tell them that you know where it is" Kurama asked firmly "they don't need to know only you and me will know about its location" I told him, he accepted my decision before he went back to sleep

Time skip ((two days later outside sand village))

The journey back was easier then going we didn't run into any trouble and we didn't take a lot of breaks, now here we are walking through the gates of the sand village and I'm hoping this flower can save Gaara, I saw Kankuro and Temari running towards us "Naruto we're glad your back, Gaara has woken up a few times asking for you" Kankuro said panting as they both reached us, I nodded "alright I'm going to fix the antidote then I'll go to Gaara" I said to the sand siblings I turned to my old teammates "you guys should eat then rest for awhile" I told them before running towards the hospital wanting to get it to Gaara quicker, after an hour I finally got it right I went to Gaara's room were the others where waiting, when I got to his room I went straight over to Gaara and lifted his head sending a little prayer before pouring the liquid down his throat "how long do we have to wait" Temari asked while gazing at her younger brother fondly and slightly worried "hopefully not too long" I told her quietly, it's hard to believe that years ago this wouldn't of happened the sand siblings weren't as close has they are now, they have turned into my family as well even if we don't share the same blood, I use to think that about the leaf for many years but when I realised that they would never be my family, I didn't see any reason to stay.

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