Chapter 2

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Sasuke POV

"It's been a long time old friend" Naruto whispered softly, we all saw Gaara's eyes widen in shock, we were shocked as well that he was standing in front of us after being gone for years "where the hell have you been, do you know how many Anbu I've sent out looking for you" Gaara shouted breathlessly but before he could reply Gaara collapsed dobe quickly caught him before he fell to the ground and started running towards the hospital "what's the matter with him" dobe demanded seriously "we think he's been poisoned, Naruto-sama" a sand shinobi answered quickly, I frowned when they called naruto sama but that changed as I realised he's in front of me again, he looks so different now but strangely enough it suits him, I didn't even recognise his chakra, so how did Gaara..... "it's because they are alike, with them both being jinchuriki they can sense each other" Kakashi said answering my unspoken thought, the others remained quiet as we ran to keep up with Naruto.

We got to the hospital just has Naruto was placing Gaara onto a bed "what type of poison is it?" Dobe asked the people around the room as Sakura walked towards the bed "I'm not sure I've never seen anything like this before but I do know that it's slowly spreading throughout his body" she replied while checking on Gaara, Naruto walked up to Gaara and looked down at him for a few minutes "I wonder if it'll work..." he trailed off he must of come to a decision because he nodded and muttered "only one way to find out" then moved to where Sakura was and actually pushed her out of the way and placing his hands on Gaara's chest "what are you doing, if I don't treat him he'll die" Sakura screamed loudly, Naruto didn't even bother looking up when he answered "with your capability has it is now, he'll die anyway" Sakura eyes widened just like everyone else's but he wasn't finished "this poison is nothing you've ever seen or even heard of right, that's because this poison is from the time before the First Hokage" he finished without taking his hands away from Gaara's body

"How do you know that" Sakura asked dubious that he actually knew what he was saying or doing "it what happens when you have a three thousand year old demon as a sensei, he knows about the history before the First Hokage came to be, of course most of the poisons from that time is completely forgotten, luckily he has given me the knowledge about them, I mean he does know more than humans would, as his knowledge goes back to Sage of the Sixth Path" he informed us slowly but without looking up to us at all, we all stayed quiet, the medical ninjas were standing around looking at Naruto like he was a god or something "Naruto-sama, is there something we could do to help" the head medical asked slowly, Naruto looked up at him and nod his head "try and keep his temperature down, and with what you have in antidotes, this poison is not the typical one but those shouldn't harm him, especially in this state, has anyone tried to contact Shukuku" he answered calmly, before asking the last question, I looked around and saw that only Sakura, Kakashi and I were confused by it "not yet, we don't know what mental state he will be in, with Gaara-sama like this" the same medical ninja replied, Naruto nod his head placing his hand on the.....

The seal that was holding the one tail at bay, we all watched his close his eyes and stay like that for a few minutes, when he opened his eyes they were flashing red "Shukuku is doing fine, he's using his chakra to heal Gaara in some degree, it's why he made Gaara come to where I was" he commented before moving away and letting the medical ninjas move in, I couldn't take my eyes of him {how much have you changed Naruto, to not only know about a long forgotten poison but how to speak to a tailed beast, is this something new or have you always been able to do this} I wondered slowly {have you been hiding yourself from us, from me all this time} I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Naruto talk to the two older sand siblings

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