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"Hey where are you? I thought we were gonna hang out??" Colby asked curiously.
"I..just went on a walk....?" Sam replied uncertainly.
"Hmm??" Colby answered with even more curiosity and suspicion in his voice. "Sammmmmm??"

Even though Sam wasn't exactly lying to Colby, he didn't tell him why. Which felt just as bad as if he lied anyway.

"Don't worry I'm on my way home now" he said in a silly/ sarcastic tone.
"Alrighty if you say so, but hurry up we have a video to film!"

————————-when Sam gets home————————————

"There you are finally" Colby exaggerated
Turns out Colby had waited outside his door that whole time Sam was walking back! Sam kinda huffed/ laughed and opened the door and walked in, Colby followed.
Sam went to grab his camera equipment and set up in his film room. When they started filming Colby had noticed Sam just wasn't himself but he ignored it. He kept thinking about it throughout the entire video, and every time he pushed the thought away he would get this gut feeling, but of course he ignored it.

—————————-after the video——————————————

"Ok I think we're done! It's still light out, wanna go hang out? Maybe find something fun to do?" Colby asked excitedly as Sam got up to grab the camera. Colby watched him take the camera off the tripod and took the flash drive out. Sam kind of ignored the question and eventually responded.
"Uh, I probably have to edit this video" he mumbled.
This made Colby extremely concerned, and it set off so many red flags. But for some reason he figured if something was wrong he would tell him right? He was tossing up asking if he needs to talk or just letting him be. He mistakenly chose the second option, hurt.
"Oh ok, it's alright" even though I was really looking forward to hanging out- he thought to himself. He stood up up and and asked Sam if needed help with anything else whilst he was here. But Sam responded sort of irritated. This made Colby even more hurt, but he didn't show it, he just said good bye and left.

Colby went to go sit out on his balcony and gathered his thoughts. For a while now he's had some form of feelings for Sam. He's also pushed that aside but who's he tying to convince? He's only fighting himself with this. And he's slowly starting to accept it more and more each day! And this is one of the reasons he was so disappointed when Sam said no to hanging out with him.
He started thinking about why Sam was acting so different, so ...distant. Is it me? Did I do something? Does he no longer want to hang out with me?.....is it Kat?

Right then and there he came to a realisation. It is Kat!
Colby was quite bias, and never really liked Kat that much, so of course he blamed this on her. And yes Kat was apart of the reason Sam was acting strange, but not like Colby had thought.
I bet Kat is telling him to stay away from me!      
  ...ok so maybe he disliked Kat a little more than we thought, but the fact he is upset probably added to it.

————————————meanwhile at Sams———————————

As soon as Colby left he went upstairs to edit and try get his mind off of everything that's going on. But he couldn't. He tried to clear his head but he couldn't. He felt terrible.
He went back downstairs to gather his thoughts.
He kept thinking about Colbys face when he said he couldn't go out. It looked so sad and disappointed.
That moment just replayed over and over again in his head. He thought it was kind of adorable how much Colby wanted to hang out. Which filled him with even more guilt. To battle the guilt he grabbed a pillow that Colby accidentally left and hugged it. He wanted to text Colby to say sorry but he didn't want to make him worry anymore, and he definitely did not want to tell him-    ...if he did he'd make Colby even more miserable, or so he thought.

After a few minutes of thinking Kat walks through the door.

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