07: The Seige of the North, Part 1

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"Xai, why don't you go up against, Yang."I smiled and nodded as I stood up, I gave Yang a polite smile in which he just responded with a smug smirk on his face which made me roll my eyes.

"Begin!"Master Pakku announced which made Yang launch a couple of water spikes towards me in which I dodged flawlessly and created a ice stump in which I tossed ice disks towards him in which he struggled to dodged because he fell backwards and before he could fall into the pond behind him I created a solid surface for him to fall on.

"Xai, wins."Pakku announced which made Aang and Katara cheer, I blushed and bowed respectfully with a small smile on my face.

"You are a good student, Xai. Almost too good. Who taught you?"Master Pakku asked as he squinted his eyes.

"I'm just a really fast learner."I lied as I gave him a small smile.

"You may all go, besides you, Xai."Aang and Katara snickered as they left which made me mentally roll my eyes.

"Admit it, Kei taught you what you know. I see the techniques you use, they are her's."He mumbled which made me cross my arms.

"What else could I have done? You kept refusing to teach me, so Master Kei stepped up."I said as I glared at him.

"You may go."

"You must not harm her in anyway."I said before I grabbed my jacket and left.


"I'm so proud of you. You're so close to mastering all of the elements."Yue said as she hugged me tightly which made me giggle and hug her back but when I pulled away I noticed that she was frowning which made me place a hand on her cheek.

"What's wrong?"

"I told Sokka about my engagement and that I have to marry Hahn."Yue said as she looked down at, I sighed and pulled her into a hug, Yue didn't like the idea of this engagement, I just wanted to run away with her somehow and leave this place.

"Yue, I've got an idea."I mumbled before I pulled from the hug and held her hands, she silently sniffed and shrugged at my sudden response "We can run away, just you and me as sisters. You can help me find other masters."

"Oh Xai, that wouldn't work. I need to become the ruler of this kingdom someday and anyone would spot me once they see my hair."I sighed and nodded my head a bit.

"But we can runaway and when it's time for your reign, we can come back. Yue think about it, we will both be free and happy."I said as I gave her a small smile, she thought about it for a bit and eventually she nodded her head which made me cheer and hug her tightly "We need to do it soon."

"Tonight."She declared which made me think about it for awhile but eventually nod and hug her once again.

"Well go and talk to Sokka. I know you want to."I said as I nudged her, she giggled and nodded her head eventually.


"You're so good at this, Xai."Katara said as we gently passed the stream of water between us which was rather calm.

"You are good as well."I said whilst giggling a bit as I passed the water towards her.

"Xai, can you tell me a little about yourself, if it's too personal I do--"

"Sure well, my mother found me in a bush on her way home. She found out that I was the Avatar and we escaped."I said as I thought about how we escaped.

"Escaped? From where?"she asked as she looked at me with concern written all over her face.

"I don't want to talk about it."I said as I passed the water towards her.

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