11: Return to Omashu

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"How did this even happen? Omashu always seemed...untouchable."I said as I looked at the fire nation flag in horror.

"Up until now it was. Now Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left."Sokka said as he crossed his arms and frowned at the now taken over kingdom.

"This is horrible but we have to move on."Katara said as she looked at Aang.

"No, I'm going in to find Bumi."Aang said as he moved forwards but I gently grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"Aang, stop. We don't even know if Bumi's still..." I paused once I realized I had to choose my words carefully.

"What? If he's still what?"Aang asked angrily as he looked at me.

"A-around."I continue as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I know you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people who can teach you earthbending."Katara suggested with a small smile.

"This isn't about finding a teacher. This is about finding my friend."Aang said which made Katara look at each other before we began to formulate a plan on how we would get into Omashu.

We were at Omashu's gate where Aang is attempting to open the entrance to a secret tunnel.

"A secret passage? Why didn't we just use this last time?"Sokka asked as he watched Aang open the tunnel which was filled with sewage making us all gag.

"Ugh!"Sokka gagged as he stepped back.

"That answer your question?"Aang said as he looked back at us.

"Eww! I can't believe I'm going into a sewage." +I said as I looked instead but went in after Aang. Aang kept making an air ball with his staff to clear the path whilst Katara and I used waterbending to maneuver the sewage carefully around us. Unfortunately for Sokka he was continually getting soaked in the foul substance.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought. Despite the smell."I admitted as we climbed out the end of the tunnel.

Sokka emerges from the tunnel covered in slime which made Katara gag, I giggled before I spotted water nearby and splashed Sokka with it using waterbending to wash off the sewage and Aang used his airbending to dry him off which made Sokka scream dramatically, which made Aang stop and when Sokka looked up we saw which three pentapi have attached themselves to his skin.

"Ahh! They won't let go! Help!"Sokka yelled which made me roll my eyes at him.

"Shh! Stop making so much noise. It's just a purple pentapus."Aang yelled as he tackled Sokka to the ground, I rubbed the Pentapuses head gently which made it remove its tentacles from Sokka's face before we knew it several guards emerged from the darkness which made us all panic a bit.

"Hey! What are you kids doing out past curfew?"One of the guards asked as he walked up to us.

"Sorry. We were just on our way home."Katara lied as she looked up at the guard with a sweet smile before we turned to walk away.

"Wait, what's the matter with him?"One guard asked as he pointed at Sokka which made me think of a lie quickly.

"Uh, he has pentapox, sir. Umm, it's highly contagious."I said as I looked at the marks on Sokka face.

"Oh, it's so awful. I'm dying."Sokka exaggerated as he made his way towards the guards.

"And deadly."I added making the guards stand back in disgust.

"Hey, I think I heard of pentapox! Didn't your cousin Chang die of it?"A guard asked with fear in his tone.

"We'd better go wash our hands, and burn our clothes."Another guard panicked as they ran away in fear.

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