14: The Blind Bandit

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"It's pricey, but I really do like it."Sokka muttered as he stared at the bag pensively.

"Then you should get it, you deserve something nice."I responded as I looked down at the fancy bag and I gently stroked Momo's ears.

"I do, don't I?"Sokka responded which made me roll my eyes at him but then he shook his head before he said: "But no, it's too expensive. I shouldn't."

"All right, then don't."Katara responded as she shrugged her shoulders before we walked off to another stall together.

"Psst, psst! Hey, you kids love earthbending? You like throwing rocks? Then check out Master Yu's Earthbending Academy?"A man said as he handed me a flyer making me take the flyer out of his game before I politely thanked him as I read the flyer.

"Look! There's a coupon on the back! The first lesson is free."Aang excitedly said as he stared at the coupon.

"There is only one coupon. So you can go to the lesson Aang."I responded ad I handed him the coupon which made him frown.

"We are supposed to do these things together."he responded which made me smile slightly before I hugged him tightly.

"You can teach me. Who knows? This Master Yu could be the earthbending teacher we've been looking for."I responded which made him hesitantly nod his head.

Katara, Sokka and I dropped Aang off at the academy where they gave Aang a uniform and made him join the class with the children.

"Take your stances!"Master Yu yelled making all the children get into their fighting stances besides Aang.

"Now, strike as if you're punching through your opponent's head!"Master Yu yelled making the students lift up their rocks and fire at their opponent and of course Aang could not dodge that and got hit by the rock.

"So, are you ready to commit to more lessons? If you pay for the whole year in advance, I'll bump you up to the next belt!"Master Yu announced to Aang which made me roll my eyes before I walked over and helped Aang up.

"You didn't teach him anything."I responded as I dusted his clothes off before we left.

"I think The Boulder's going to win back the belt at Earth Rumble VI."We heard a student say excitedly which made me tilt my bead slightly in their direction.

"He's going to have to fight his way through the best earthbenders in the world to get a shot at the champ."The other boy responded which made Aang smile before he rushed to the boys.

"Excuse me, but where is this earthbending tournament, exactly?"Aang politely asked which made the boys snort.

"It's on the island of Noneya, "Noneya" business!"he responded as he chuckled with his friend before he walked away making me frown before I followed after them.

"I'll be back."I nonchalantly responded before I walked up to the boys.

"Hey! I am giving you 5 seconds to tell me where the Earth Rumble VI is."I warned them making them look back as they chuckled at me.

"Is this a joke?"one of them asked making me shake my head.

"5,4,3,2,1."I responded before I water bended water out of the barrels in the alley way and froze them against the walls on the buildings.

"Okay! Okay!"One of them yelled before he told me the time and location of the Earth Rumble VI.

"Thank you."I responded before I waltzed away from them and made my way towards everyone.

"You ready to find us an earthbending teacher? Because we're going to Earth Rumble VI!"I announced as I gave Aang a huge smile making him look at me in shock.

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