1.) First day at school

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Trixie's POV:
"Come on love, it's your first day at school!" My mum exclaimed excitedly.
We had just recently moved to New York, and my parents had moved me to a school called Beecher Prep.

"I'm comingg" I grunted, while getting out of bed to get ready.
I go get a shower and put on my clothes for the day:

I went over to my dresser and put some light makeup on; tinted moisturiser,mascara highlight and lipgloss

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I went over to my dresser and put some light makeup on; tinted moisturiser,mascara highlight and lipgloss.
I jogged downstairs and grabbed some breakfast and my bag:

I jogged downstairs and grabbed some breakfast and my bag:

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I grab my skateboard and go to school. I didn't really know the way but I just kinda followed the kids who looked like they were going to school. Finally I got to the school and skateboarded into the front yard and everyone was looking at me, "Great..." I mumbled quietly .
I walk in to go see the 'principal' as they call it over here and I reach an office that reads out -
Mr. Tushman - I giggle a little to myself and knock on the door and wait patiently.
Suddenly, a man opens the door and lets me in
" Ah, you must be our new 8 grader, Trixie Parks is it?" He questioned,
"Yea, that's me" I smile awkwardly.
There was a pause then he spoke
"Well, for your classes this week, jack will take you to them!"
"Alright where do I go now then?" I huffed,
"Just go out my office to the right then you should eventually see Jack, he will show you where to go." Mr. Tushman explained.
After that I nodded silently and waved then went to where he sent me.

I then saw a boy with brown curly hair at the
end of the hall, I'm guessing he was jack duh. I don't think he saw me coming so I cleared my throat so he would notice me and he looked up and saw me.
"Oh, hey your the new girl right? Well my names Jack Will and you are...?" He said, wanting me to finish his sentence,
"Trixie Parks, and yea I'm the new girl," I replied back, he looked quite taken back if I'm honest when I spoke, and I know why because of my British accent.
"I didn't know you were British, wow I thought they all spoke posh!" He chuckled,
"Nah, not from Yorkshire that is,' I say with a smile,
"Well it's nice to meet you Trixie,and seeing as you probably don't have any friends here wanna be friends with me?" He grinned, so obviously I had to say yes because he was right I had noooooo friends whatsoever!
"Yeah alright, what we got now then?" I asked genuinely curious because I had no idea what I was supposed to do,
"Yea okay welllllll, we have English with mr. Browne first and then after I could introduce you to the people at school," he told me,
"Sounds good to me," I state "shall we?" I question him in a posh English accent that makes him laugh, he nodded and lead the way.
When we got there it was half empty so I decided to sit next to Jack because he was the only one I knew.

When I sat down I saw a boy with a facial deformity come in he saw me and waved, i don't really care what people look like to be fair so I smiled and silently mouthed hi. Everyone more or less had come in and the Teacher told me to introduce myself and say two things about me, so I stood up confidently,
"Hi my name is Trixie Parks, I'm from England and I am a skater" I answered then sat down casually.
"Okay thank you Trixie, anyone got any questions?" He spoke to the class, not thinking anyone would actually have a question, because all I heard were 'wow her accent' and 'wow I didn't know she was from England' but then the boy with the facial deformity rose his hand and said "How do you skate?" I just laughed and replied with"it's easy I'll teach you if you want!" Being the nice person I am I was serious.
The day dragged on and on until it was lunch then I met with jack so he could introduce me to his friends...
"Hey Jack!" I shout just loud enough so he could hear me,
"Oh hey Trixie, come sit I'll show you my friends," he pointed to his lunch table.
I slowly walk towards the table and see the guy who I was supposed to teach how to skate from earlier, so I sat down next to jack and he told me each one of his friends.
"Hi! I'm Summer, nice to meet you and I love your accent by the way." Summer seemed nice I feel like we would get closer,
"Aw thanks," I didn't know what to say then the guys spoke.
"You remember me, I'm Auggie, the one who asked about skateboarding..."
"Yeah, yeah of course, I was being serious you know I will teach you if ya want," I let him know.

• Time skipppp 😜🛹•

It was the end of the school day, I wave to Jack, Summer and Auggie then hope on my skateboard and go home...
"Hey mum Im homeeeeee!" I happily shout,
"Oh great your home, how was your first day love? Did you get a boyfriend?" She teased,
"Mum! I had a good first day actually it was good and now I'm going to go watch tv, OH and now I should actually call you 'mom'" I tell her with a grin on my face.
Time passes and it's now time for bed, I go to set my alarm and quickly go on my phone, then I get a notification from insta saying:
'Jackyboi has followed you'
I'm guessing that's the Jack from today? Well I'm gonna go to bed now cos I'm tired...


Thanks for reading yall hope you liked it and I'll be updating as soon as 😜😏

                                           Word count: 1005

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