The note 2.0

42 2 1

"Jack, tell me" I pleaded for him to tell me,
"Alright alright, it was this boy in our grade, called Julian." He let out a sigh,
"WHAT" I laughed,
"What's so funny-"
We both burst into laughter and made fun of his name.
The day was funny knowing someone had a little crush on me, I haven't seen him like ,I don't think , I can't tell if he's fit or not.
We made it to science and jack was saying something,
"What" I whispered back engaged,
"Him there (he pointed to the left of the classroom) is Julian, with the black hair." Jack answered.
So as any normal person would I turned around to where his finger had directed me and I saw a boy,
"Him with the stupid coat on?" I quietly shout.
"Yea *giggles* him" Jack responded,
I glance over to see him staring at me, but then quickly turns his head when I see him; I wonder.
The teacher said we was having a text next week and that we need to revise all about the outer space/ black holes so I thought I might ask if I could go over to Auggies to study with him since he knows a lot about stuff like that I think!
It was the end of school and I run up to Auggie and ask him,
"Oh yea yea sure you can come tomorrow after school and bring ur skateboard after we have revised you can teach me more about how to use that thing." He told me so I waved goodbye and went home.

The rest of the night I did a bit of revision, and my English homework that was due in Thursday that we got yesterday.
I made pizza for Tea- well 'dinner' as I should say over here, I'm still getting used to the words over here and accidentally saying pounds instead of dollars!
I'm a bit bored so I go up to my room and change into something a bit comfy-er to sleep in:

I made pizza for Tea- well 'dinner' as I should say over here, I'm still getting used to the words over here and accidentally saying pounds instead of dollars!I'm a bit bored so I go up to my room and change into something a bit comfy-er to sleep in:

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I put my Hello Kitty pjs on and sit on my bed, my room looks like this btw

I go on my phone and look to see if anyone has text me, 'AuggieTheAstronaut' has added you on Snap by search'I'll add him back duhh,It was getting pretty late and I was tired so I put my phone on the floor and go to sleep

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I go on my phone and look to see if anyone has text me,
'AuggieTheAstronaut' has added you on Snap by search'
I'll add him back duhh,
It was getting pretty late and I was tired so I put my phone on the floor and go to sleep...

Honestly I just wanted to finish the day so sorry that this chapter is even shorter than the last one but hope you enjoy it 😝🖤

Word count: 448

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