2.) The note

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Trixie's POV:
"Grrrrrmmmm" I groaned at my alarm then turned it of. I was quite exited for school today, well I mean not for the work , to see my friends.
So I rolled out of bed and went to my closet and put on my clothes:

I just put mascara, highlight and lipgloss on and no foundation/tinted moisturiser because my skin looked nice and clear for some odd reason, after that I go downstairs I checked the time and it's 6:50 in the morning and school starts in just unde...

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I just put mascara, highlight and lipgloss on and no foundation/tinted moisturiser because my skin looked nice and clear for some odd reason, after that I go downstairs I checked the time and it's 6:50 in the morning and school starts in just under 2 hours so I decide to make some waffles. Once I made them I called my mum down because I made her one too.
"Mummmmmm! I made you waffles"
"Aw thanks love," she thanked me, sat down and ate it.

It was now 7 and I decided to go on my phone, when I went on it I saw the notification from yesterday and decided to follow him back. This might sound a bit creepy but I wanted to look at his insta pics soooo I Flicked through his profile and he's got some good fashion sense I'll tell you that! Some time later I had got bored and the time was 7:30, this meant one hour till school so I wanted to go out on my skateboard to pass the time.
"Bye mum Im gonna head to school but I'm gonna take the long way wanna skate for a bit!"
I told her,
"Okay love make sure you get there on time see you when you get home" she came over and hugged me then I was of.

I went around my block then I started going to school, on the way I saw Auggie, he was on him way too guess he liked to get here early!
So I went up to him,
"Hey," I shouted from the other side of the street,
He looked around confused then saw me
"Ohh hi Trixie why you going to school this early?" He asked curiously,
"I could ask you the same thing," I smirked,
He laughed a little then it got quiet.
"Oh um since we are here, together, do you wanna let me teach you how to skateboard?"I said breaking the silence, this made a grin appear on his face,
"Okay where do I begin?"

•Time skippp😝

I walked into school and we had English but I didn't know where it was so I was screwed because I forgot from yesterday already, then I saw Jack so I went over to him an we walked to class together. Even tho it was my second day here I was the smartest, with Auggie of corse. I sat down next to jack , again, he is my best friend; the sad thing is when you class someone as your best friend but you know deep inside they don't class you as their's...
Time went by and I felt something fall into my lap, I look and it's a piece of paper scrunched up into a ball so I decided to open it up and see if it has anything written in it.
"You look pretty today ;)" it read,
I looked around the classroom to see if I saw anyone who looked like they threw it because I was annoyed that I didn't know who wrote it!
I smiled to myself tho as I thought someone thinks I'm pretty, Jack noticed the paper.
"What's this?" He whispered while opening it,
"Oh its a note someone threw at me but I don't know who it say-" I replied but get cut off by Jack
"You look pretty today," he interrupts and looks at me confused, because we both don't know who threw it. "Who do you think it was then?"
"I don't know anyone's names in here other than Summer, You, Auggie and that Charlotte girl sooo yea" I replied, " But someone thinks I'm pretty so I don't mind?" I say winking making him chuckle.

The rest of the day I was really curious as to who threw the note? Who thinks im pretty? Was it a joke or were they being serious? Was this a boy? Was it a girl? What if it was someone I knew?
Many thoughts ran through my head and that moment I read the note, lives in my head rent free on auto play-
At lunch I told everyone at the table and they said that I had a secret admirer! I don't have a crush as I barley know ANYONE buttt there is a possibility that I have attracted someone's attention...
It was like 5-10 mins until lunch was over and Jack came up to me,
"Hey, Trix, wait do you mind if I call you that? Sorry" he asked as if he had offended me,
"No no, you can call me that it's kinda cute anyway as you were saying?"
"Right, so I think I know who gave you that note,"

AGHH Cliffhanger for yallll 😝😝😝

So hope you enjoy this chapter it's a bit shorter than the other one but oh well!

Word count: 857

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