4.) I think we all know...

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Trixie's POV:
It had been a few weeks since Julian had thrown that note to me and he has been flirting with me ever since.

I think I have a tiny crush on him, I can't help it he's so nice to me and Jack told me about their history in 5th grade but they seem to be getting on well now, because me we are all kinda close!

"Ughhhhhh," I hear a familiar voice dreadfully moan, as I quickly turn around I see Julian slowly walking towards me with his arms open, he stumbles as I embrace him into a warm hug .

"You okay?" I question knowing what he was about to say as he comes to stand up properly and leaned against the locker next to mine.

"Yea I just don't want to do work," he pauses and takes a moment looking up down then he smirks "You look....wow,"
This is what I was wearing:

wow," This is what I was wearing:

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I think I looked cute today, I decided to wear this because I had a test today and wanted to feel ready so I wore som nice clothes

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I think I looked cute today, I decided to wear this because I had a test today and wanted to feel ready so I wore som nice clothes.

I blushed at his comment and l looked down at my feet so he wouldn't notice, but he started to giggle so I'm guessing he did.

"Sooo, I was wondering, if maybe you and me," he stops to look at me so I look up, and gaze into his eyes,
"Like wanna, date?" He says in a smooth voice,
I was astonished, my jaw dropped and I ran out into the toilets!

No-ones POV:
Trixie ran without warning, leaving Julian without an answer, he was a bit confused but She soon came back walking calmly up to Julian.
"Hey sorry about that just needed a minute to process what you just said," she smiled shyly "But yea I would love to go out with you Julian,"
He smiled at her answer and they both walked of to their first class.

Trixie's POV:
Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg.
I am dating someone, cool.
Anyway I need to just clear my mind as today we are having a history test today YAY!
I was being sarcastic, don't worry.
I have been studying for the past week and I am confident I will pass, I walk in with Julian and Jack glares at me like I've just killed someone.

"Yo why the death stare for?" I joke as I sit down next to him,
"Well you were with Julian, and you didn't walk to class with me..." he sighs frowning,
"Oh give over" I playfully punch him in the arm "anywho we are 'Dating' now do I can walk with him if I want to I say grabbing my paper
"You? Dating him? Trixie I know me and him are 'Sorted' ,as you say all the time, now but you deserve better than him." He tilts his head and looks sad,

" Hey, don't worry about me, anyway, we have a test and guess who studied all week!" I whisper-shout making jazz hands causing him to laugh a little which makes me happy.

•Time skipppp 😘

My life has been great over here so far actually, I've been at my new school for just under 3 months and I have already made the best friends ever, a boyfriend and I taught someone how to skateboard!

Well, partially...

Christmas holiday was sooooo soon and I was excited,
Me and August Gad been going on daily trips to the park to teach him how to skateboard and he is getting better, slowly but still making progress, well kinda.

It was the last week of the school term till winter break and I was a bit sad to be leaving all my friends but i will be okay, in the end.

"Hey aug, how's it going?"
"Hi Trix, Im fine but have you seen jack anywhere I think he was looking for you," Auggie spoke, slowing down the pace of his voice at nearly every word.
"Ummm nah don't think so- oh yea he's right there..."

Julian was pinned against the wall by Jack holding him by his throat I was in shock and in anger at the same time.
"What are you doing Jack!" I screamed,
But he ignored me I tried to get close but Auggie pulled me back,

" STAY AWAY FROM TRIXIE, I KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" Jack shouted getting right up in Julians face, He looked quite hot here wo- no you have a boyfriend who is dying rn pull yourself together woman.
" WH-HAT DO Y-YOU MEAN?" He gasped also shouting,
I couldn't believe it everyone covered their mouthed with their hands and shook heads in disappointment.
"Don't look so shocked," Julian responded "I only dated her to make you jealous," he puts in slyly.
That's it, I'd had enough
I store over there push Jack aside and slap Julian right across the face then kicked him where the sun don't shine "YOU FOUL LITTLE CREATURE, WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING!" I cry I'm heartbroken I really thought someone liked me but it was all just a joke.
Im taken away from him as there are teachers coming every one scatters.

I get pulled into the janitors office, then see Jacks face all puffy and red.
"Now he knows that he should never mess with my best friend,"
"I think we all know..."

Hey brotha😝
So hope u liked this chapter it was all over the place but yea 😝

Word count: 947 😏

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