Chapter 1

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Sybil Hastings had been crying all morning. Her Great Aunt Ester had died a few days earlier. She had been sick for awhile, but Sybil always hoped she would get better.

Her aunt was her ticket to freedom. Sybil was in her third season, so the likelihood she would marry was very low. Ester was going to allow her to be her companion.

Since Sybil's family was large, they couldn't afford a fourth season. This was it. Ester was it.

But now, her gossipy great aunt was dead and her future was uncertain. Today a missive came to her aunt's home where Sybil stayed during the season that the solicitor needed to discuss some items in Ester's will.

Since Ester didn't have any children, she would likely be ousted from the home by some distant cousin she never met. But nothing could prepare her for what was to come.

Turns out, her aunt was not only a busybody gossip, but she wanted to play matchmaker and somehow live on vicariously through her niece. The solicitor informed her that Sybil would indeed inherit the estate...if she wed a nobleman in a months time.

One month to find and marry a man that she spent three seasons trying to do. And not just any man, a titled man. She may as well start looking for work immediately.

Luckily her recently wed friend, Katrina Lawrence, the Duchess of Harrington, came by to catch up. Katrina was pregnant and trying to fill her nursery with all the proper baby supplies. Ah, to be an expecting mother.

She had always wanted children. Sybil was the oldest of eight children. So she had plenty of experience caring for babies and children of all ages. But the chances seemed so slim the past few years.

Katrina was glowing, but she looked like she was ready to give birth any minute.

Katrina and Sybil grew up as neighbors. They played regularly in their youth, and even started their first, second and third seasons together. Katrina called them the Autumn Club since they were losing their bloom in their third season. Two others were members, too. Beatrix Crosby and Camilla Wentworth rounded out the group.

Katrina was the only one married, although Beatrix was rumored to be engaged to an older widower and Camilla was rumored to be staying alone in town - for Camilla that could only lead to trouble. Sybil was the least interesting of them all at this point.

She was overly tall - almost eye to eye with most men of the ton - with auburn hair. Freckles covered most of her body. Her chest was unfashionably too big for her thin frame, and her eyes were an unremarkable hazel.

The only man or she should say boy she ever had any affection for was Katrina's brother, Reginald Hughes, the Earl of Pembroke. Reggie, as he was known, had been so sweet to her growing up even though he was about eight years her senior.

She would always spy on him when she came by the Hughes's estate. Usually he was in the barn taking care of his stallion. One afternoon, Sybil heard some noise coming from the barn. It was Reggie, but he was not alone. Reggie had a man's mouth around his large cock. They both seemed to be enjoying themselves a great deal.

It was the most erotic thing she had ever seen. The look on Reggie's face was pure bliss. But she also knew that if Reggie enjoyed the company of men, she should forget about him for herself.

It really was a shame because Reggie was taller than her, handsome and built like a brick outhouse.

But now she must marry, and he did, too - eventually. She could strike a deal with him - marry her and she would let him have his male lovers. They would all win!

Therefore, she planned to seek Katrina's help. Obviously she wouldn't tell her about the other men, but perhaps just find a way to get an audience with Reggie.

"I must marry Katrina. I must marry a nobleman," she said suddenly between sobs. "Please help me."

"How can I help you, Syb? I'll do anything. I'm sure the duke knows some men..."

"No! I just think I thought...I mean...Reggie!" Well, that came out like poetry.

"Um, Syb, what about Reggie? Reggie Hughes, right?" Kat seemed a bit surprised that her brothers name came up.

"Well, I know him. He has to marry eventually. I mean he needs an heir. I just want to talk to him about it..."

"Syb, Reggie is a drunk! He has been awful recently. The duke can't stand the site of him. There are tons of rumors that even you told me!" Katrina was referring to the rumor about Reggie, a widow and a particular major. "Are you certain? This could just be due to your loss..."

"I'm certain, Kat," she said. "Reggie may be the worst, but he is the best of the worst." Sybil wasn't even sure what she meant by that, but she had to try.

They spoke a little longer and Kat promised to get back to her with news of Reggie.

As she tried to sleep for the next several days, she wondered if Reggie would allow her to watch him with his lover. It may be worth it just for that alone. She fell asleep those nights with her fingers touching herself thinking of the deed in the barn - but this time Reggie's eyes were on her.

Loving  Places, Book 2 in Autumn Club SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now