Chapter 8

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After the ride and the scene they made, a special license would be needed for the wedding to take place. Plus they didn't have time to have the banns read. Reggie and Max went off to get the license while Sybil packed her belongings and wrote some missives to friends.

"We got it!" Reggie boomed as he barged through her aunts front door. "Syb! We got the special license! Babe!"

Good lord, that man was too much! He came in the sitting room waving the license around with a wide grin, "You hear me, Syb?"

"Yes, Reggie. All of Mayfair heard you," said Max as he strolled in after him and greeted Sybil with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"So, where and when, boys?" She was actually excited.

"Now! And here!" Reggie said excitedly. He went to the hall and came back with a vicar in tow. "Let's get married!"

"Let's," Sybil repeated. Oh my! So quick! She had not even told her parents yet.

The ceremony was very short, and the vicar left the house with a hefty tip a few minutes after his arrival.

"Now what?" Max asked with a wink.

"Sex?" Reggie said like a child in the candy shop. "Oh yes, sex!"

He scooped Sybil up and ran up the stairs. She couldn't stop giggling the entire way up. Max followed behind taking the steps two at a time.

Reggie deposited her on the bed with a bounce. She got up on her knees and gave him a kiss. "You are too much, Reg."

Reggie nodded, "Just wait and see how much, baby!" And he started to kiss her back. Max went to the bed and laid down with his hands behind his head.

"What are you doing, Max?" Sybil said looking behind her to his splayed body.

"Watching the newlyweds," he said. "Perhaps give you some...ideas."

"He's kinda bossy, huh?" Sybil teased.

"Absolutely," Reggie said.

"And you love it, baby," Max said to Reggie. "I think you do too, sweetheart."

The newlyweds giggled and nodded.

"Thought so...don't let me stop what you were doing," he prompted them.

They continued to kiss. Sybil pulled on Reggie's cravat, removing it and then went to divest him of his coat, vest and finally his shirt. "Too. Many. Clothes," she huffed out.

Reggie on the other hand tore her dress and shift off of her. "Reggie!" She screamed.

"I'll buy you a new one," he murmured into the crook of her neck as he kissed and sucked on her newly exposed skin.

The both kissed, licked and touched each other into a frenzy. She needed to be closer. But she felt as though something was missing, "Max," she groaned out, "please."

"I love what I see, sweetheart," he replied. "Keep going."

They did as directed. Sybil pulled open Reggie's pants and he pushed them off. She grabbed his arse and smoothed her hands up his muscled back. Reggie mimicked her actions and pulled her closer to his hard cock.

Suddenly Sybil felt another naked body behind her. Groping, nuzzling. She moved her hand behind her head to Max's and pulled his head down as hers went back. "I need you," she whispered to both men.

"We need to get your pussy ready, sweetheart," Max whispered. "It may hurt if we don't stretch you a bit first, and make you wet of course...but I'm sure you are..."

"Soaked," Reggie said as his fingers delved down to test their theory. Each man took a finger and brought it to her cunt. They fucked her in unison, finding the same pace. Then they would move their fingers towards themselves to stretch her a bit.

"One day, those will be our cocks. Both of them. Together," Max remarked.

Sybil groaned. It felt so good but full already. Could she ever take more?

"Reggie has asked me to take your virginity. Is that fine with you?" Max asked Sybil.

"Yes, please do it soon," she wanted them so much at this point.

"Lay down and relax, angel," Max said. Sybil laid down in the middle of the bed. Reggie laid down beside her on his side. And Max knelt between her legs.

"I've never taken a woman's virginity, sweetheart," Max confessed, "but I know to be gentle. Trust me?"

"Yes, I trust you both," she said.

Reggie turned her head so he could kiss her as Max began to finger her more. Max moved so he could hover over her on one arm as he continued to move his fingers.

Then Max grabbed his cock and moved it up and down her folds. He moved the wetness down his cock with his hand, then positioned it at her hole.

"You ready, baby?" Reggie asked as he looked down where Max was poised to enter her.

"Mmm, yes," they needed to stop asking her things!

Max slowly lowered his pelvis so that his cock head could enter her pussy. He took his time moving forward, then he would rest and start again until he met her hymen and pushed through.

She made a slight noise, but the pain wasn't as bad as she had heard.

"You are doing so well, baby," Reggie praised her. "Max has a fat cock and it is hard to take even when you aren't a virgin. You will get used to him though."

Reggie kissed and touched Sybil as Max picked up speed. Max came down on his elbow and passionately kissed Sybil, "So fucking good, sweetheart."

Reggie began to circle her clit. Between the two she was riding high.

"I'm going to cum, Syb. Can you cum with me, hm?" His words were enough to send her over the edge. He came deep in her quivering pussy, and then collapsed to the side opposite Reggie.

Sybil turned to face Max, and he pulled her to him and kissed her. Reggie wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her neck.

She could feel Reggie's cock between her cheeks. Reggie's lifted her thigh so that her knee bent and her foot could be flat on the bed. He then moved his hand to her pussy that was leaking cum, "Are you too sore, baby?"

"No, Reggie. Please" she tried to turn toward him but he kissed her cheek and looked down between them. He angled her hips a bit and took his cock in hand. He slowly entered her cum filled snatch.

"Fuuuck, so tight. Max, you didn't tell...ungh," he started to move his cock in her from behind.

"Mmmhmmm, she practically strangled my dick," Max recalled as he watched Reggie fucking as he kissed her shoulder. Max moved from her shoulder to her tits and began to suck the flesh around the nipples - avoiding them all together. She could feel the bruising from his sucking kisses, and she loved the idea of wearing Max's marks since she already wore Reggie's ring. "These bruises would show anyone that sees them that you are mine. You are both mine now."

"Fuck yes Da- Max," Reggie started a punishing pace and reached around to stroke Sybil's clit. She came undone almost immediately, holding on to Max. "I have to cum. Please, Max."

Sybil recalled the last time that Reggie came - he asked permission then, too. Perhaps that was just what they did together.

"Cum, baby," and with that permission Reggie came in his new wife. "Good boy."

Loving  Places, Book 2 in Autumn Club SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now