Chapter 14

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Did her mother-in-law not hear the gossip of the ton? Although Sybil's great aunt Ester has her faults, she would have heard immediately about Sybil slapping Lady Philomena in Hyde Park. Of course, her aunt would have ensured everyone else heard of it, too, but that wasn't the point.

Philomena was elegantly dressed in the latest fashion. She proceeded to greet all of the people in their little circle, especially gushing over seeing Reggie.

Philomena must have a reason for being here. Did she hope to become Reggie's mistress so quickly? After that last encounter in Hyde Park, one would think she gave up any plans on Reggie's affections.

Dinner was called before too much thought could be put in the matter.

Dinner proceeded without incident. After the meal was complete most of the guests went back to the salon, but Reggie, Max, Sybil and Philomena met on the terrace.

"Why the fuck are you here Philomena?!" Max blasted her as they closed the door to the terrace.

"Good to see you too, Max. Can't a girl just want to see old friends?"

"Philomena," Reggie said sternly.

"Fine. Since you asked so nicely. I'm pregnant," she said looking toward Reggie. Sybil thought she was going to be ill.

"Ha! It's been months and we never came inside you, you reaching cunt!" Max couldn't believe this nonsense.

"Oh ho! Reggie, you didn't tell the love of your life about our last time together?"

"The last time we were together you sucked us off, Phil. Nothing more," Max stated.

"Yes, the last time we were together. But the last time Reggie and I were together was quite a different story."

"What is she about, Reggie?" Max asked a nervous Reggie.

"Look, I was meaning to tell you..."

"What the fuck happened, Reggie?" Max asked.

Reggie just stood there. He looked miserable. Torn as to what to say.

"I'll tell him, Reggie," Philomena offered. "I wrote him a message shortly after you both broke things off. I asked him over..."

"She sounded like she would hurt herself in the message, I had to..." Reggie interjected.

"...and he came over immediately. We sat for a while and had a few drinks...."

"She got me drunk, Max! She knew I couldn't hold my liquor!"

"...He told me how he loved me and only ended things because of you, Max. We kissed quite a bit. He always knew just how to... Well, anyway we made love. And yes, Major, he came in me...twice," she said holding up two fingers.

"Reggie?" Max asked. "Is this true?"

"Yes, but I didn't mean to do it, Max. You have to know! I loved her! I was torn apart."

Sybil was watching in horror as her world crumbled around her, "What so you want, my lady? Money? You know he can't marry you."

"Indeed. But he can," Philomena said while pointing at Max.

"The hell I can..."

"On one hand the love of his life is embroiled in scandal. The slap in the park will really help ice that cake. Thanks, Sybil. Or on the other hand he marries me and he loses his love forever," Philomena laid out the options. "Oh but he would get to raise his lover's brat. Max could see Reggie's face every day as a reminder of Reggie's mistake. Boo fucking hoo."

"You fucking bitch...," Sybil lunged but Max held her back. "You won't get away with this. This isn't over!"

"Think on it a few weeks. Before I start showing," Philomena spat as she turned around to go back in the house.

"Fuck!" Max shouted as he ran his hand through his hair and turned away from Sybil and Reggie.

"I am so sorry. I can't do anything right," Reggie sobbed. "I don't know what to do."

"I'm not mad at you for fucking her. I gave you permission. I'm mad at you for lying to me and not being safe. And I'm mad at her for her evil plan and for hurting Sybil," Max said as he looked to Sybil who looked stunned and broken. "I have a friend who works for the crown now. I'll go to London in the morning and see him. If anyone can dig up dirt on that bitch, he can do it."

"Really? You think?" Reggie asked.

"Yes, he is remarkable," Max confirmed. "And Reggie, tonight you get punished..."

"I want to punish him," Sybil interrupted.

"Oh, my love, there is plenty to go around. I have a few ideas. None of which will end well for him."

"Perfect," Sybil remarked.

Anger poured from Sybil. It was in her posture and walk. It was in the color of her cheeks and the tenor of her voice. She needed a release.

After they parted with their guests, the trio secretly met in the earl's suite.

Max was pacing around the room like a caged animal. "I should have known better," he muttered several times. He finally stopped pacing, "Reggie strip!"

Reggie hurried to comply, nearly tripping out of his pants. He would mumble out an "I'm sorry" every few moments, but Max finally told him to hush.

Max went over to a chest of drawers and pulled out a few objects that Sybil had never seen before. One was like a cage with a few leather straps. Then he pulled out a flogger and what looked like a large, white baby blanket.

"This," Max pointed to the cage, "is a chastity belt. Similar to what you may have heard of in medieval times when fathers didn't trust their daughters or other men for that matter to preserve virginity until marriage.

This little cage fits snuggly over Reggie's cock and balls. It isn't uncomfortable until he gets hard. Then the cage simply isn't big enough. Is it Reggie?"

"N-No, da-ddy ," Reggie looked like a sad school boy. Sybil wasn't in the mood to feel sorry for him at this time.

"And this," Max raised the leather flogger, "is a flogger. It gives a nice sting when used correctly on a bad boy's bottoms. We shall make his bottom quite red.

And finally, this white cloth is basically a large nappy. After Reggie is in chastity, the nappy will be placed on the him for the night."

Reggie looked nervous as Max placed the cage around his man parts. After it was securely in place, he had Reggie bend over the arm of the settee.

Max walked over the Sybil who up to this time was just observing. Max cupped her cheek and looked deeply in her eyes, "Would you like to start the punishment or shall I?"

"I'll start."

Loving  Places, Book 2 in Autumn Club SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now