Chapter 10

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The next day the trio decided to take a walk around the grounds. They found a spot by the stream where they laid out a blanket. The three sat for a bit and then Max jumped up.

"Reggie, didn't you have a surprise for Sybil?"

"Yes, in the barn. We can get it later."

"No, now. I'll be right back," Max said as he walked off.

"A surprise? Exciting," she said. "So Reggie, how did you and the major meet?"

"Oh. Um. Well, I'm sure we will eventually tell you, but ah..." Reggie seemed nervous.

"So there is this club. A um sex club in London. One night they had a um particular fetish that um we both enjoy.

See I have a submissive side to me. I mean, you likely know that about me by now. And the major has a dominant side to him. No surprise there either.

Anyway, that night they had invited men and women who like um that - the submissive stuff - but also like to act um like they are younger. And they invited men and women who like to act like daddies or mommies," Reggie was beet red as he finished the confession.

"Daddies and mommies?" She asked. She didn't know what that meant when it dealt with sex.

"This is so embarrassing. So, Max likes to take care of me like I'm a little boy, and I act like one and call him daddy. I can't believe I'm telling you this," he said. Reggie laid down on the blanket and stared at the sky. "I know it's weird. But we met that night. We had seen each other before at balls and such, but we didn't run in the same circles. Max is much older than I am..."

"How old?" She finally could ask.

"Thirty-nine. Almost forty!"

"He doesn't look that old. I mean you are what? Twenty-nine?"

"Yep. Going on nine," he giggled. "So we discovered we both like men. And of course the daddy stuff."

"Can you tell me more about that? I'm trying to understand," she admitted.

"Well, I will act younger. I'm sure you noticed I'm kind of like a kid anyway. He will take care of me. Making sure I eat right and brush my teeth and stuff," he giggled. "Sometimes he will um feed me a bottle or put a nappy on me. I'll suck my thumb. And if I act out he punishes me.

We are always like this, but around others it is much more subtle. I don't call him daddy or anything, and he doesn't wipe my chin when I spill. He will sometimes have me wear a nappy under my pantaloons, but he knows I like a little humiliation."

"Oh, I think I understand," she said. "He does take care of you. It is very sweet."

"That's why I love him so much. He would make a wonderful father," he said. "I'm glad we found you. Or you found us that is..."

Suddenly they heard barking and fast moving footsteps in the leaves of the forest floor, "Come here you little..."

Then Max came barreling out of the trees chasing after a small white puppy. The puppy ran to Sybil and licked every inch of her face. The puppy was jumping about all over her and Reggie got in on the action.

They both giggled and played with the pup while Max tried to catch his breath, "I'm too old for this."

"Then children may not be the best..." Reggie tried to caution.

"Shut it! If I can handle you..." Max looked at Sybil and she gave him a knowing smile. "Did you tell her?"

Goodness, he was perceptive.

"Yes, daddy," Reggie said with a wink.

"Cheeky," Max huffed. "Syb, meet the white rat your husband thought you needed. I think he is one of those small French beasts."

"Toy poodle and I love him! Thank you both," she gave them kisses on the cheek and started playing with the puppy again.

"Hold on, did he already take our place?" Max teased. "You better not ignore us now for this puppy, sweetheart."

"Oh, not a chance, love," she said and gave him a deeper kiss.

"Mmm, Reggie you should take the rat back to the barn while I seduce your wife," he suggested with a raise of a brow.

"Seduce my wife?! How dare you?!" Reggie played as he grabbed the puppy and headed to the barn.

"Ah, a boy and his dog. You truly like him?" Max asked.

"The boy or the dog?" She teased.

"Ha! I meant the dog. I know you like the boy," he said.

"Yes, I've always liked Reggie. They call it a crush. I assumed that meant you were crushed when you saw the object of your affection with another man," she laughed.

"But you liked it," he recalled.

"Yes, but I thought he only liked men. Had I known he liked women too, I'm not sure I could resist that barn."

They both were now laying on the blanket facing each other.

"Do you mind that Reggie and I have this age-play type relationship?" He asked as he twirled a loose curl that had fallen from her hair.

"Not at all. You two love one another and it works. I think Reggie is a better man for it," she said. "I hope we can all have a special relationship in time."

"What do you mean exactly?"

"I just think your dynamic is sexy. I hope you will know where to fit me in to it," she admitted her desire.

"Well, I'm a dominant man. I'm not sure that will change..."

"I'm not saying that, I just want to know where may place is when he calls you daddy and is acting young. I just don't want to be a third wheel," she expressed her concern to him.

"Let's see what comes naturally. I definitely need to dominate you, sweetheart," he said. "You are a bit feisty - like in the kitchen the other night. I like to tame brats."

Although said with a wink, Sybil got excited. Would she call him daddy, too? Or is she a mommy in this? Perhaps after she understood it more it would come naturally to her.

"Drat! I expected you guys to be naked! I ran all the way back," Reggie whined out of breath.

Loving  Places, Book 2 in Autumn Club SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now