bought everything if 5 stores

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When I heard we were buying everything from a few stores, I was low-key excited. Imagine all the cute clothes and delicious food and cool things. Maybe I'll buy myself a few things if I'm allowed to. Right off the bat we started with clothes and I was of course taking my sweet time admiring the clothes and contemplating buying some of them. But I didn't know if Jimmy would let me, so I sadly put them all in the cart acting like a little kid who's mom said no to candy for dinner. There was a section of clothes that was just my style, I was smiling the whole time despite me not being able to get them for myself. I saw this really nice chain necklace, I was staring at it for a while and chris jumped behind me and scared me. "jesus chris!" I laughed with a hand over my rushing heart. He laughed too and just pointed at me, skipping away laughing. Ha ha.

"excuse me?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around seeing 2 teen girls smiling t me. Well I couldn't see their smiles cause their masks ((wear a goddamn mask its not that hard-)) but I could tell cause their eyes. The one who asked was a tall brunette, the other one was a short blonde, they were so pretty it made me a little jealous. "hey! what's up?" I smile back, putting a handful of cool graphic T-shirts in the cart. "can we get a picture?" the shorter one asked. "yeah sure, let's do it" I waved them closer. They squealed and skipped over, holding the camera up and getting closer and we all smiled. Click! "thank you!" they waved their faces. "I'm happy to take photos with you guys, I should be saying thank you" I smiled at the two. "are you dating chandler?" The taller one asked and my heart skipped a beat, I hesitated cause I thought about him and I had to stop myself from zoning out. "uh, no haha we're just good friends" I nervously laughed and started fidgeting with my black beanie, It's a nervous tic. "why are you buying so many clothes?" the short blonde asked, looking at the almost overflowing cart. "we're buying the whole store to donate them" I responded and they said it was really sweet how we're doing that and I agree. I love helping people. 

After the girls left and we said our goodbyes, I was done with my section of the clothes and decided to go bother the others. "holy sh- what the heck?!" I had to stop myself from swearing. "what?" Chandler asked, who was next to me helping me fill another cart. "300 dollars for a jacket? That's messed up dude, that ain't even funny. There's no reason or it what the heck" I actually got so upset about the high prices. I understand clothes are expensive and high quality but damn. "you would look cute in these big puffy jackets cause you're so small" Chandler laughed, holding up a big jacket. "haha very funny, and I'm not that short you're just tall" I snatched the jacket from im and put it in the cart. 

The store was finally empty and it only costed.. 85,000. yup. I was expecting that. It was weird, the store being so open and empty so I got really hyper and started running around playing tag with chandler and karl. They were fast but I was determined to win. They kept targeting me which didn't make it fair but we had to stop  anyway to go to the next store. But no worries. I'll get my revenge.  

get ready for a long cliff hanger yall. Sorry i cant stay  motivated but im trying 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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