deserted island

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Let me explain first on what I'm doing for this. I Just put y/n into the video, Really. Maybe I'll make up something, If you guys want me to. It might not be good, I'm insecure of my writing so if it sucks, don't tell me. It's mainly, for this chapter, is just y/n and chandler being cute sometimes.

1834 words

We had just arrived on the deserted island and it's already really cold. Thankfully I brought a few hoodies and blankets to keep us warm. We were unloading the boat when I tripped and face planted into the sand but it didn't hurt, I laughed. "Are you okay?" Jimmy laughed. "Yeah I'm good" I stood up. "You got sand all over your face" Chandler smiled and pointed. "I can tell" I looked up at him. The sun was in my eyes so I kept one shut and continued to help unload the boat.

When we were finally done and the boats had gone away, Jimmy went to pee so it was just me and the rest of the boys. "Who's gonna eat who first?" I joked, looking at everyone. "I'm gonna eat jake, he's a big boy" Chris said and I laughed. "I'm strong, I'll eat all of you at once then use y/n as a toothpick" Jake said and we all laughed. "I'll just survive off of my goldfish" I shrugged, taking out a bag of goldfish. "Can I have some?" Chandler asked and I nodded, giving him a handful. "Yay" He smiled and ate the snack. "Let's get the tents up guys" Chris said taking them out. "On it boss" I saluted and hit him in the head. I made my tent with a little struggle because of the wind but other than that, it was made the way it was supposed to be made so it's a win for me.

While the others were struggling, and I was in the middle of helping Chandler with his, Jimmy came over and asked to play hide and seek. "Out here in the middle of nowhere? Where are you gonna go, bury yourself in the sand?" I said and they all laughed. "No, just line up here and wait till I give you the go" Jimmy said. We lined up as he instructed and waited for his que. While we waited, Chandler and I were bumping our hips back and forth for fun, almost knocking each other over a few times.

When he came back, he was carrying a shovel. "I lied. I buried treasure" he smiled at us. I already knew where the general direction of it was, I'm smarter than these losers, haha. "It's 3,000 dollars somewhere, go find it" jimmy clapped his hands and the rest of them ran out far and wide. I on the other hand knew what his trick was, and I stayed closer to camp. "Are you not looking hard enough for it y/n?" Jimmy walked over. "I know it's closer to camp, you can't fool me" I smirked. "How'd you know?" He whispered, leaning in. "you want us to think it's way out there, but It's closer than we think. Plus you weren't gone for very long" I shrugged, digging around. "She's onto me, run" he laughed, running away.

We took a break to build our tents and Chris was having a very hard time doing so. "You need help loser?" I said, tying my hair back so the wind doesn't get in my face. "Yes please I'm stuck" He said as he was almost tangled in his tent. I walked over and helped him out easy peasy. "And you call yourself a boy scout" I smirk and playfully glared at him. "Shut up y/n!" He laughed. Then soon after we went back to finding the treasure.

After a while, I heard a voice. "Hey, I'm sticking with you" Chandler ran over and followed me. "Why?" I asked, digging where I thought it could be. "Cause you're smart and I'm not finding it at all" He said out of breath. "Thanks, I'll split the money with you when we find it" I said. "Thank you, but you don't have-"

"Got it!" I cheered, pulling out a chess. "Hey hey she found it!" Chandler yelled, gaining everybody's attention and they all ran over. "Congrats n/n you won 3 grand" jimmy said and the others patted my shoulders. "It honestly wasn't that hard" I shrug, opening it and seeing the money inside. "How much you giving chan chan"? Chris said and I thought about it. "Splitting it in half" I said and he rolled his eyes. "Of course"

"Hey you're just jealous I get money out of it" Chandler said and they got in a playful argument about it.

Later, once we were done with our tents, we decided to swim for a bit because why the hell not? I wore my bathing suit under my hoodie and leggings, so I just took those off and was ready to go. It was really cold so we didn't stay too long, we just swam around the island and had a splash party because we're 5 year olds. Then out of nowhere Jimmy decided that we swim over to another island not too far from our original island, so we got to swimming. And for some reason we stopped in the middle of the water, and I was struggling a bit to stay above the water. "Hey guys, stop messing around so we can go to the other island. I can't really breathe" I said, my legs were starting to hurt. "Why? You okay?" Chandler walked over. "Yeah it's just you guys can touch the ground to stand, I can't" I said blushing and they all laughed, making fun of me being short. "Shut up I'm not short, you guys are just tall" I said as I got on Jake's back since he offered. "She's right we are tall" jake said. "Yeah I can see the statue of liberty from here" I smiled and we shared a good laugh. "I just opened my eyes under water ow!" chris laughed, his eyes squeezed shut. "Don't open your eyes under ocean water you dingus!" I yelled. Everyone then started to naruto run in the water.. These idiots..

On the way back we did a slow motion montage, it was nice until chris came out of the water with shells on his nippled like a mermaid. "Jesus christ- chris!" I laughed. "What? I'm beautiful" he posed dramatically. I rolled my eyes and kept swimming as they all joked and wrestled around.

"Guys we gotta migrate to another island, this one is getting too small" Jimmy said and pointed to the tide. "We could just build a moat" I said. "We are not migrating anywhere! This is our land!" Chandler cheered. As we were building the moat, chandler and I kept throwing sand and water at each other. "Guys stop being cute and start focusing on the moat!" Jimmy said as he began digging again. "Never!" Chandler yelled, and I felt myself being lifted up over someone's shoulder. "Chandler! Put me down!" I yelled while laughing. "No! You thirsty?" He said and walked over to the water. "No! Chandler no I'm not thirsty! Stop!" I said, punching his back. "3..2.." He yelled. "I'M GONNA PUNCH YOU IN THE BALLS!!" I yelled, holding out my fist. Then I felt myself being dropped on the sand. "Haha! I was kidding, I would never do that to you Chan Chan" I smiled as I got up. "I know you wouldn't but I wanted to drop you anyway" He snickered and ran off. "You're so lucky I'm gonna build the rest of the moat instead of body slamming you in the water!" I yelled over the wind and started the rest of the moat. We got chandler to help too after bribing him with food, works every time.

Chris and I were building the fire because the rest of them didn't know how. Chris learned cause he was a boy scout, I learned because I just wanted to know in case of an emergency. "I'm sunburnt.. It really hurts" chris said to the camera. "I didn't think to bring sunscreen.. I'm not sunburnt though, I have my hoodie on so I should be fine" I shrugged. I laughed when chris was making dick jokes about the hotdogs, I don't think there is ever a wrong tie to makes jokes like that. I think they're hilarious. "Jimmy, appreciate me, I made fire" chris said and got no response. "Here, I'll be the first. Thank you for helping me with the fire" I smiled at him. "Thank you, and you're welcome. You get the first hotdog" He smirked. "Hah! See what being nice does to ya?! Suckers!" I cheered.

While the hotdogs were being cooked, I put o sweat pants over my leggings and a beanie on cause it was getting cold, I don't know how they're all half naked. I was shivering. "You good n/n?" Chandler walked over to me. "Yeah, Just realllly cold" I said, looking up at him. "You get cold way too easily, wrap up in one of your blankets" He said, handing me one of my blankets. "Thank you chan, good idea" I smile and wrap myself in a blanket burrito. "The foods almost done, c'mon" He said and helped me up. I also gave Jake my hotdog because he dropped his, what are friends for?

After eating our food, we got in our tents and filmed our goodnights.

"Goodnight y'all, I'm really tired, it was a long day.." I paused to yawn. "Bailey cut that out, I'll see you guys tomorrow if I don't get eaten by birds" I softly laughed a bit then covered up the camera, turning it off and going to bed.

I woke up to chandler shaking me awake. "Uh, no.. Too bright" I mumbled, covering my eyes. "We let you sleep for an extra 15 minutes since you love your beauty sleep, be grateful. We gotta get up now though" He said. "Agh, fine.." I stretched and sat up. "Leave so I can change" I pushed him lazily out of my tent. I changed into a different hoodie and whatnot then got out and stretched again. "Sleep monster has arisen, how do you feel?" Jake said to me. "Sleepy, But I slept like a rock" I said to him, blocking the sun from my eyes. "I slept terribly, How?" chris said to me as he walked by. "I always sleep good, no matter where I am" I shrugged and smiled a little. "Yeah one time at my house she fell asleep on the hardwood floor, just.. No blanket no pillow, nothing" chandler said and they looked at me like I was crazy. I shrugged it off, since I really can sleep anywhere.

We packed up our stuff, leaving no mess behind, and waited for the boats. Thank god they arrived, we would have been stranded for sure. 

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