extreme hide and seek

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//s0rry it's been a long time. I been low lately but I am not going to discontinue this without saying anything, so don't worry I am still writing for now 

I was playing hide and seek for a video, and we had a bunch of spots to hide with so little time. I saw everyone running around to hide, but I was lost and couldn't find a place. I heard they were starting to look around and I was in plain sight. As I was beginning to panic, I felt a hand grab mine, "come on!" I heard them say as they ran into the woods. I didn't know who it was until we sat in the brush, slightly hidden. Looking over to my left, I see chandler, my best friend. "thanks" I whispered. "you're welcome" he was breathing heavy since we sprinted here. 

To pass time, we played ticktacktoe and rock paper scissors. His hands were soft, but cold since it was getting dark and cold at night, they still haven't found us. I didn't realize till just now, but we were pressed up against each other. As soon as I noticed, I blushed and thank god it was dark so he couldn't see. "hey, there's the big dipper" he pointed up. I looked to where he was pointing and smiled, seeing it. "there's the little dipper" I pointed to it and he smiled. Then we heard their voices, getting close. It made me jump and gasp, I whipped my head over to the voices. "shh" Chandler whispered in my ear and he silently scooted closer, so now we were squished together and our thighs were touching. "I have to-" I started, I wanted to tell him I had to sneeze, but he put his hand on my mouth so I couldn't say anything. 

We stayed like that, watching them walk right in front of us with a flash light, just missing us and walking away. As we made sure they were gone, he slowly took his hand off my mouth but we remained closer than ever. I held in my sneeze, letting out only a small sound. "your face is warm" He whispered and slightly laughed. "that's just because your hand is cold" I blushed. "yeah sure" he shook his head. I looked over at him, and just noticed just how close his face was to mine and I tensed up. "sorry" I whispered and backed up a bit. "no, it's fine.. do that again" He said in a soft voice. I slowly looked up at him with a confused look, seeing he was leaning in closer and closer, and I found myself doing the same..


"found you guys"

chandler hallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now