last to leave slime pit

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sorry it took so long, I'm lazy and UnMotIvaTed but 'ere you go :)

1167 words

As we started the challenge, I realized the slime was very cold. I don't know how long I can last in here, I was so confident but now I'm not sure. As soon as the challenge started, the boys were just being annoying. "they're going to annoy me out of this challenge" I rolled my eyes as they laughed. "I had my elbows propped up on the side of the pit, my back pressing against the wall as I was trying not to shiver. AND THEN CHRIS JUST HAD TO TAKE A PISS AND START TALKING ABOUT HIS....area. "chris ew! I don't wanna hear about that!" I laughed, moving the slime away from me to hopefully push away the pee. 20 minutes later, chris started spinning and singing.. of course. I shook my head and laughed away the annoyance. 

I don't know how long it's been, but I'm cold, tired, and hungry. And I have to pee but I refuse to pee in my wet suit. Jimmy better get back with the food soon or I'm dipping. I don't want them to know I'm struggling because then they'll push me out and I want to win. Mama didn't raise a quitter.  "I got the food!" Jimmy walked in with bags of food and we all cheered. My mouth watered as I saw the food being passed around, and pretty soon I got my Taco Bell :) "thank you, I'll pay you back when this is over" I said to jimmy, unwrapping my first taco. "don't worry about it, I don't mind" he shrugged. I nodded and continued to stuff my face. (you have NO taste in food if you don't like taco bell) "want some fries?" Chris offered, holding out the box of fries from Mcdonalds. "hell yeah I want fries, thank you" I smiled and took a couple fries from him. I decided to save some food for later so I don't go hungry, the rest of them ate it all at once. 

It was a couple hours later, and I am COLD as fORKK but I can't give in. I know Ethan in just as cold as I am, so I at least have to wait for him, or any other guy to leave. I refuse to be the first one out, I talk way too much crap for me to leave now. I just have to trick my body into thinking it's warm if I chant 'warm' in my head over and over again. I didn't realize after a while that I started to say it out loud and the guys laughed at me. "what are you doing?" Chris laughed. "it's science chris" I was jumping up and down to try to create body heat. "I don't think that's how it works" chandler said but I waved them off and continued to bounce. "have you peed yet?" Chandler asked and I shook my head "well you're gonna have to pee eventually, maybe that'll get you out" Chris said and they started chanting "pee! pee! pee!" at me. "nah your annoyance is gonna drive me out" I said, splashing them with slime and we had a small slime fight. 

hours later of just boring messing around and picking at my food, trying to stay warm, chandler and his dad are about to leave, so that's a good thing for me. I just gotta wait a little longer and play it cool. Well, play it warm in this case. And pretty soon, chandler was the first one out. I'm surprised though, I was for sure his dad would leave first since his lips are blue and he's shaking more than me. "I'm gonna stay though, just outside the pool" chandler said as he wrapped up in a warm towel. Now I'm jealous.. a warm towel sounds great right now. 

After a while, my food was gone and my legs were numb. I'm caving, but I don't want them to know. Not yet. "come on, you gotta be close to leaving soon" Chris said to me and I smirked, shaking my head. Play it off smooth. I'm gonna last longer than this. "she hasn't even gone to the bathroom and it's been hours, you're gonna mess up your kidneys" they all laughed. "I'm determined" I smiled. "am I allowed to like.. help her?" chandler said from behind me. They all said no, but jimmy said yes so that was good. "here, you need it" chandler handed me a warm towel over my shoulders. "thank you chandler, just in time too" I whispered the last part and we shared a knowing look. "you got this, you're great at challenges" He said quietly which made me smile. "that's not fair" Chandlers dad shook his head "yes it is, it's not like it's cheating or anything, just helping" chandler argued back. "whatever, I don't need help" he said and we all laughed. 

couple hours later after we ate some steaks, chris decided to head out as well. Now it's just me, garret and chandlers dad. Now that I got chandler kind of cheering me on, I feel like I can do this. I got this in the bag bitches. (lmaoo I had to I'm sorry) Then pretty soon, Ethan was out as well. "you're almost there, you gotta win this" chandler clapped, smiling at me. "you're only saying that because you know she always shares the money with you" Chris said and we all laughed. "hey he's not wrong, I do share money" I nodded and shrugged. 

After a while, chandler headed home but told me to keep going so now I have to. I think I was so cold at this point I wasn't even shivering because of how stiff my muscles are and how tightly I'm holding myself. Thankfully, after quite some time later, chandlers dad got out and it was just garret and I left. But the bad news, is I wasn't doing so well and garret is very stubborn and very determined. Chandler came back and gave me another warm towel "even if you get out now you're still a winner to me, you lasted a lot longer than you expected so give yourself the credit" chandler said to me, making me smile. "I can't take all the credit, I would've gotten out a lot sooner if you didn't say anything to me" I said and lifted myself out of the pit, letting Garret win the challenge. Chandler handed me another warm towel over the one I have on and hugged me tight, making it very warm and comfortable. "thank you Chan Chan" I smiled. "no problem N/N" He said, I felt the vibrations in his chest on my head as he spoke. "congrats Garret, buy me something nice" I joked and we all laughed. 

you guys have been amazing to me, thank you for the kind words of encouragement :)) ❤ 

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