24 hours in area 51

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alright y'all, imma change it up and make this one long story instead of imagines. Enjoy! 

Today, we were going to area 51 to spend the night. On our way there, I (like always) sat by chandler, we haven't talked about the almost kiss, so we're pretending it didn't happen. For now I guess.. It went back to normal, we were on our phones taking funny photos and videos of each other throughout the whole ride. I also put his hair in pigtails because It's hilarious and why not? I noticed he was more touchy with me, from leaning on me to having our legs touch when we sat down, sometimes he would tap randomly on my shoulders or legs. I even caught him staring at me every once in a while. I mean, I've liked him for a long time, but I never did anything about it, I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Does he like me back??

When we saw a truck with a sniper looking at us, I waved and smiled big because I never take anything seriously :))) "don't wave at it" chandler pushed my hand down and we all laughed. "Maybe he's friendly" I shrugged. "I don't think so, I wouldn't test it" jimmy shook his head. We walked out and chandler was holding up a blown up alien "WE COME IN PEACEEE" I screamed obnoxiously causing them to laugh again. "She's got quite the vocals" chris said to the camera. We then decided to move to a different spot and on the way, we saw an "alien" deer. "I love deer!" I smiled and jumped out, walking towards it. "y/n don't go near it! It might abduct you and bring you to space and do experiments on you! y/n!" Chandler whisper shouted. "Don't be such a wuss" I waved him off and the deer ran off. "Look what you did, dumbass you scared it away" I pouted as I got back in. "good, you gotta stay here with me- us to protect us from the aliens" chandler stuttered a bit. "I name it.. Bowser" I smiled. "Bowser the alien deer"

We got the spot we wanted to stay at and I had the genius idea to get on top of the RV and look around. "y/n please be careful" Chandler said, looking up at me. "It's fine, I'm a professional.. RV.. stander oner" I said, twirling around. "Don't spin around!" he shouted a bit, following where I was going. "I'll be fine, I told you I'm a professional. I can see everything from up here, there's a giant cannon over there that can explode the entire planet" I pointed and they all looked but could barely see it from down on the ground. "Okay get back down, please" chandler said to me so I rolled my eyes and made my way down the ladder, him holding one of my hands to help even though I didn't need it. For some reason, he held on a bit longer than normal.

Chandler and I just kept fortnite dancing in front of the camera by the gate, because once again, why the fuck not? We had a dance battle and everything, and I won. Chandler thinks that he won, but I'm the real winner. "Chandler did good, but y/n has always been a great dancer so y/n wins" jimmy said and I yelled in victory "don't yell, they're gonna get suspicious" jake put a finger to his mouth. "Oops, sorry government, nothing suspicious here! Ahaha.." I made a nervous face and we laughed. "Ahaha" They mocked me. We kept saying it over and over until we got bored. "Come out my fellow alien friends!!" I open my arms wide towards the gate. "I don't think they like hugs, y/n" chandler said, gently pulling me from the gate. "aww.. " I stuck my bottom lip out. "I like hugs though" He smiled and held his arms out like I did "yay!" I cheered and hugged him tight. It was a nice long one, we didn't say anything but it was so comfortable. As cliche as it sounds, it felt so right to be in his arms. Thankfully it was a bit dark and he couldn't see my red face.

Then a car started driving towards us and we got inside the RV to hide.

Turns out it was just a random person.. Pussys..

Then there was a cute little bunny who was about to hop into area 51, and my dumbass tried to go after it because it was so cute and I couldn't help myself. "C'mere little bunny, stop hopping away" I chased it. "y/n stop! Don't go in there you'll die" chandler grabbed the inside of my elbow and pulled me back away from the gate. "Nooo the bunny!" I fake cried. "It's okay, it'll be over soon" chandler hugged me, playing along with it. "I'm gonna name it.. Judy Hopps.." I wiped away a non-existent tear. "From zootopia?" He laughed a bit and I nodded. "Let's woah in memory of Judy Hopps" I said and we started doing the woah, laughing.

Pretty soon, it got dark and cold so we went back to the RV. After a small talk, we got our tents up and got inside to go to sleep. "Goodnight aliens, goodnight chandler" I said and slowly fell asleep. Yes him and I shared a tent, there wasn't enough and we're best friends.. sadly just friends.. I wish we were more. 

I was awoken by someone shaking me, and I slowly open my eyes to see it was chandler waking me up. "Wake up sleeping beauty.. We gotta go up a mountain" he said with his morning voice. (anybody else LOVE when guys have morning voices??) "why is it still dark? What time is it?" I sat up, feeling very tired still. "4:36 AM, we're going up a mountain to see inside area 51" He said changing his shirt. I rolled my eyes and started to get ready myself. "It's way too early for this.. I'm going back to sleep in the car" I grumbled.

As I said, I fell back asleep in the car resting on chandlers shoulder because no way in hell was I gonna be up that early. When it got brighter, I got up but was still very tired so I let chandler suffer and made him carry me for a few until I woke up and got enough energy to trudge along myself. "Ah shit.." I mumbled out of breath "what?" chris asked.

"We gotta go all the way back down.." 

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