last to leave insane asylum

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As we were being put in the straight jackets, I thought of something and started giggling. "What? Going crazy already?" Jimmy said to me. "No, just.." I started, giving chandler a look. "Oh no, don't say it y/n" He shook his head, knowing what I was thinking. "Do you two have telepathy or something?" Jake asked and we laughed. "It's her face dude" Chandler said smiling. "What are you thinking?" Jimmy said to me. "This seems kinda kinky don't cha think?" I smirked and they all smiled, shaking their heads. "Classic y/n" Jake said and I laughed. We soon started the video inside the insane room..thing..

There were two teams, red team, and black team. I was of course the red team with chandler, and chris and Jake were on the black team. I am so gonna win this one, I know it already. I just have to keep chan chan here as long as I can. As soon as the challenge started, Jake and Chris started rolling around on the floor as Chandler and I stood and watched. "How long do you think you'll last n/n?" Jimmy asked me with the camera facing me. "I underestimated how annoying the other team was, but if I can block them out then I can be here for a long periodically time" I smiled and he laughed, moving onto the others.

Chandler and I put our heads together "Here is the plan, we just have to stay longer than them right? So let's drive them out. Our ticket out the door and winning, is to get chris out because we already know he's gonna last the longest" I whispered and he nodded. "Not yet though" I added. "Why not now?" he whispered back. "I'm tired" I spoke softly and got in the corner, closing my eyes and relaxing for about 3 minutes before chandler sat next to me and started to relax too.

Legit barely even 10 minutes go by, and chris starts yelling. There was no point in trying to make him be quiet, so I just tried blocking out his voice. I just have to get through their annoying asses and we will win.. Please don't drive me crazy.. 30 minutes in, the other team (Jake and Chris) were fooling around, but Chandler and I were chilling on the floor, I was leaning back on his stomach and it was comfortable as hell so I'm good for now. But of course, Jimmy walked in and we all flocked like birds to him and pushed him in a corner. "I WAS gonna walk in here and not say anything but then I got jumped" Jimmy complained and tried to go back out but we blocked the door. "Haha bitch, Where you gonna go now? You dumb dumb got yourself trapped in here with crazy people" I laughed. But sadly, as much as we loved the company, he made us move so he could leave.

(A/N: Yo inhalers taste so nasty, at least make them flavored)

Pretty soon, the guys started doing airplane. "Stop you're gonna dislocate your knees!" I panicked. "He's fine, relax" Chris said to me. "Won't be saying that when his knee is out of the socket" I turned my back to them. Somebody is gonna get hurt. And when I heard Chris screaming because he hurt his head, I yelled out "CALLED IT! WHAT DID I SAY?!" As he complained and cried about his head. Then the boys started yelling "MEDIC WE NEED A MEDIC!!" running around like headless chickens. "Stop yelling, he's fine, wimps" I smirked as I made fun of them. "Awe, did little Chrissy hurt his baby head" I spoke in a baby voice. "Stop doing that every time I get hurt y/n" He said as his face was on the ground. "Haha! Not gonna happen" I smiled and laughed.

About an hour in, Jimmy came in and started playing on his phone to make fun of us because we didn't have our phones. If we did we would be here forever, plus our arms are bound up. I was trying to sleep next to Jake, but chandler and chris were laughing as if they were crazy. "Shut up losers, I'm sleeping" I said to them "you're not sleeping, you're talking" Chris smiled at me. "Shut up" I smiled a bit and rolled my eyes, leaning my head back. Honestly, I could just sleep through this challenge. That is.. Until Jimmy threw in a megaphone on siren so we couldn't turn it off. Jokes on him, we're not as stupid as he thinks we are. We turned it off in 5 seconds with our feet, easy peasy. And then they started yelling in it.. I just was so close to breaking that damn thing.. Before I could, Jimmy walked in and took it back. Thank God.

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