Chapter 9

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Y/N’s P.O.V.

“Hey Y/N!! How’s it going??” I hear a voice from behind me, not realizing who it was right away. I turned around quickly, as I was sitting on the couch. Mr. Hizashi Yamada was standing there, making me gasp excitedly, “Hizashi!! It’s been so long!” I got up and ran over to him, hugging him tightly. He returned the hug, “I missed you little one!” I looked up at the taller blonde, “So what are you doing here?”

He pulled away, plopping himself down onto the couch, “I realized it’s been awhile since I saw my newest little buddy. Plus, Aizawa has sorta been distant lately, so I wanted to also come see him. But of course he’s working right now.” He huffed, crossing his arms. I sat back down next to him, sitting criss crossed, “I know right? I hate how he works all the time. He should take a week off to chill or something, y’know?”

“Exactly! He needs a break, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him actually take a day off,” he said, looking down at his feet. To his surprise, he saw a small white kitten, who had a black collar with a little bell and charm with our contact information. He gasped dramatically, “You guys got a cat???” He picked her up, letting her sniff him beforehand. He looked at the small kitten, seeing that her name is Ghost, “Ghost, huh? Absolutely adorable.”

I smile proudly, placing my fists on my hips as I puffed my chest out, “I chose the name! It’s a good one, right?” He nodded eagerly, “It is!! Now back to the break. Maybe we should plan a vacation for him to go on!!” My eyes widen, “Hizashi, you’re a genius!!” I pulled out my phone, looking at different locations, “I know it’s unlike him, but I feel like he’d really enjoy going somewhere tropical and warm.”

Hizashi also took out his phone, looking for places himself, “Oh yes! Especially now that it’s getting warmer in other continents. Maybe we can send him to Hawaii!” I look up Hawaii on my phone, checking to see how the weather is going to be for the next month or so. It’s Spring there, and apparently it’s nice around this time of year. “Best time to go is anywhere from Mid-April to early June. I say maybe around April 20th??” Hizashi giggled, “Of course you picked 420-” “Shut up!”

I look to see which island is the best, seeing Oahu is the most common answer, “What if we all go? And my friends too? Maybe that Nemuri friend of yours I hear about too?” I ask, seeing if he would be up for it. He smiled wide, “You read my mind!! It could do everyone some good going on vacation.” I smile evilly, seeing how it was early March right now. I opened up my text app, going to Shouta’s contact. Hizashi looked over my shoulder, seeing how his name was “Sho❤️” Hizashi smirked, “What’s with the heart and nickname?” My eyes widen and I push him away, “No go away!” I hide my phone close to my face, texting him.

Y/N<3: Shoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Y/N<3: Sir request April 18th-25th off now >:)


Y/N<3: it’s a surprise, we’re going somewhere :)

Sho❤️: Should I be scared?

Y/N<3: Always

Sho❤️: I figured.

Sho❤️: Never thought I’d have to take days off for my own death.

Y/N<3: Oh hush you’re not gonna die, it’s a good surprise

Sho❤️: If you say so.

Y/N<3: Okay get back to work and quit texting, you’re gonna get fired🙄

Sho❤️: Alright mother.

Y/N<3: okay grandpa

Sho❤️: Ouch.

Y/N<3: Okay seriously, get back to work Mr. Squidward

Sho❤️: Alright, I’ll see you later Y/N. Stay safe.

Y/N<3: always

Hizashi blew air into my ear, making me scream out of instinct, “Dammit Hizashi, you almost caused me to smack you.” Hizashi wiggled his eyebrows, “You like Aizawa, don’t you?” My face turned red, and I crossed my arms, “Sh-Shut up, no I don’t.” Hizashi had an unamused look, “You’re terrible at lying.” I sigh, letting my guard down, “Yeah, I know..” Hizashi smiled in aw, “Awwww so you love my little Shouta!!” My face gets even darker, “I wouldn’t go as far as saying love!! I definitely have a.. Crush on him though. Which will eventually go away, it won’t last long.” I scratch behind my neck.

“Well how does he make you feel inside?” He asked, looking at me with genuine intentions. I readjust my sitting position, setting my hands in my lap, “He makes me feel like there’s constant adrenaline coursing through my veins. Like every time I see him, it makes me feel like I wanna spend all day with him, doing everything we can before it's all over. Like I never want to lose him. My heart’s always pounding so hard, and my cheeks always get so hot and red. It happens every time I see him, and I hate it.. But I don’t at the same time.”

I stare down at my phone, embarrassed that I just said that all out loud. Hizashi set a hand on my knee, “You’re in love with him, Y/N.” My eyes widened, looking at him with an exasperated look, “B-But, that’s impossible. I’ve only known him for about 3 months.” Hizashi chuckled, removing his hand and standing back up, “Oh trust me. There’s no way you aren’t in love with him. I know I wanted to stay, but Shouta is gonna be home soon, and I wanna leave you two lovebirds alone. So I’ll head out, we can text about the vacation planning.” I nod, not wanting to say anything. Am I really in love with Shouta? Before I knew it, Hizashi left and I was left home alone once again.

Word Count: 1014

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